Mini (?) rant about healthcare.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2008
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Cleveland-area, Ohio, USA
So I had to spend part of my afternoon yesterday in the ER. Female issues, I'll leave it at that. Anywho, they tell me to make an appointment with my doctor as soon as possible. I call. No, I don't have insurance. No, I don't have $250 to throw around. No, I don't have a credit card. Yes, I know I'm a freakin' loser who got sick and lost her job and possessions a couple years ago and who has crappy credit and who is just now working her butt off trying to get back on her feet. Sure, I'll hold.

Oh, I need to talk to a financial counselor? Does it matter that I'm bleeding profusely? No? Okay then, patch me through. Ah, wait wait wait...wait wait wait...a half hour later and I'm told they'll try to get back to me by Monday. Ugh!

We have a free clinic in Cleveland. I call 'em. Oh? The soonest I can get in is May 20-something? Sure, I'll hold off my bleeding until then. Because I'm working I'm not a priority? Now I have to wait longer? Why don't I see my doctor? I'm broke! Doesn't matter, I get it.

Call back the financial counselor. Do you understand I'm in pain and that my reproductive organs are not functioning properly? Do you get it can be something serious? You want $500 just to see me?! GRRR!

Fine, I'll pay it. I'll sell something. Just get me in. Ah, you only have an appointment with a male doctor who doesn't perform those tests? Thanks. No, I need to see someone who does perform the proper tests. Oh? June, you say? Yeah, probably can't wait. You have appointments for emergencies? Really? Can I get one? Okay, I can wait wait wait...wait wait wait...wait wait wait...I can't have one? Can you ask my doctor? She's the one who wanted to see me as soon as possible. Okay, I'll wait. No, I'll hold. Fine, fine, you can call me back.

And so I wait for a return call to see if I can get a darn appointment for my ovaries that aren't working and are causing me immense pain and clotting blood...and yes, my hands and feet are turning blue because my blood pressure sucks since I lost so much blood yesterday. But, yes, I'll wait.

And now I'm crying because the earliest appointments are in June and I'm in pain and bleeding and miserable. They tell me I can see this male doctor who can technically do an exam but who doesn't usually, but that's not making me feel better especially since I have a past full of trauma and this whole thing is hard enough with a woman let alone a strange man.

:(I don't know what to do :(.
`I am so sorry that you are going thru this... we had the same problem when my daughter brokr the growth plate in her finger... Have you tried calling other doctors? maybe you can get in with someone else sooner
Have you tried contacting Planned Parenthood? They provide a whole lot of services for women well beyond birth control. Please give them a try. Their fees are on a sliding scale and can be waived. They usually have 98% women on staff. If they can't help for some reason, they can surely suggest someone who can.
That is a very good idea Seniorcats!

I used to go there for my yearly womanly check up. They where always very kind and understanding. I always had a female doctor too.

Wow...that would be worth a whole lot more than a mini-rant. I think you're entitled to a full-blown major rant, Alexah...what a horrible thing to go through! I sometimes complain about glitches with our health care system here (like the time I had to wait for six hours in the ER with only two other patients there), but at least we are guaranteed to see a doctor, and we're not presented with an enormous bill afterward, nor are we turned away for lack of money. Our taxes may be high, but for the ease of mind of having adequate health care, it certainly is worth it.

No wonder Michael Moore focused on the American health care system in his last movie. Sounds like it's more than's more like it's on life support...

(((I hope you're doing okay)))

I agree with Seniorcats - if you have a planned parenthood near you and cannot find a doctor that will see you I would go there. If you are in pain and bleeding (I know all about that) you need to see someone. I don't understand why the doctors at emergency didn't take care of this? They should have helped you.

Our Health system in Canada is not great. Because the doctors have no incentive and they see so many people - I think individually we are not taken care of well... however, at least it's something, and we do get to see a doctor and do not have a huge bill waiting for us.

I find it hard to take you can't get into the free clinic. I just can't imagine there is no one to see you or help you. My only advice is speak loudly for your own cause - even here I have been forgot in the system many times waiting on important test results, or having a serious problem and needing to see a doctor - you need to be very loud and make sure you are heard.

I hope someone helps you and that you will be alright - I understand your stress and worry, and I hope you get into see a doctor. Don't leave any stones unturned or options unchecked- someone has to pull through for you.
Our Health system in Canada is not great. Because the doctors have no incentive and they see so many people - I think individually we are not taken care of well... however, at least it's something, and we do get to see a doctor and do not have a huge bill waiting for us.

Oh, don't get me wrong...I know our health care system is far from great. Have had much first-hand experience there, unfortunately. For instance, when I was diagnosed with cancer, I had to wait two months for treatments to start - and that was after I was put on a 'rush' list. Meanwhile, a friend of mine who grew up in India discovered her brother - who still lives in India - was diagnosed with the very same cancer a month after I was. Within 4 days he was receiving treatments, while I waited yet another month for mine to start. (A coworker of mine had a sister who was diagnosed with breast cancer several years ago, and because her doctor said it was still in early stages, she wound up waiting almost 5 months(!!) for her surgery. When she finally had it they discovered the cancer was agressive and had spread. She did survive, but went through hell because at that point the treatments had to be much more aggressive than they'd originally planned...she was actually quite lucky to make it.

I've also been fighting with my family doctor for many years now for better service, as he doesn't seem to have a clue how to diagnose anything beyond colds or flu. Yet I have not been able to find another doctor yet...there's just too much of a shortage. However, I'd still take this system - as broken as it is - over having to face not being able to be treated at all...
I work for a group of pulmonary physicians and we see the sickest of the sick. It is not acceptable for someone to wait for five months for cancer treatment. That is just unbelievable :shock:
Sorry to hijack your thread Alexah... Bassetluv that is the exact reason I said our system was not great - I am SO sorry you had to wait and deal with that when you were diagnosed. The very reason I said our system often forgets us is because I saw it forget my mom when she got cancer... I mean she got treatment, but her options were limited, and in the end, there was nothing they could do. My heart goes out to you and I hope you are being taken care of and that everything will be alright or is. :hug:

I have the same problem with my GP! Finally I just started asking her to refer me to other doctors lol - and I got lucky after 3 years and found a doctor that is actually offering me some help! My GP is useless unless you know what you want her to prescribe, or you just need a physical. :p
I used Planned Parenthood, and they are so great! I get every thing for free or a small donation, which really helps me.

I definitely reccomend them :).
Yeah American health care is suckage..lemmie tell ya about the beginning of my trip to China last year..

Ok, to begin at the beginning, I tore up my eye the day before we left. Old contact, when removed, did some damage. I go to my optometrist and he drips some weird luminescent dye into my eye, looks at it, says it's not too bad (Rick was standing over his shoulder and only right around the edge of my cornea shows little glowy bits) and he gives me a prescription. These eye drops he gives me have a steroid and antibiotic and, by his admission, can be a little gritty. This ran me almost $300 bucks. We take off later that day, get a cab to our hotel in San Francisco and don't really do anything, because my eye is hurting me so bad. So Rick goes out, walks to a close-by diner and gets me a grill cheese sammich. We make the plane for China and pile in for a long haul. My eye is INFINITELY worse by the time we make the 12 hour flight to China, and we get to the hotel and I literally pass out from the pain. The next morning we do our first fun-filled thing in China... and go to the hospital!!! To their credit, we get there, pay 100 yuan (which is roughly 12 bucks) and they call in a specialist who sees me, speaks perfect English, properly diagnoses me (using older equipment he sees what I have really done, which is remove the first layer of my entire cornea!!!) and gives me three prescriptions which total 178 yuan. Covert all of this to the almighty US dollar-Basically it was $25.50 US.. All of this in about 45 minutes,INCLUDING the 10 yuan ride to the hospital in the taxi. Yeah, American medicine is the best... (rolls eyes). AAANYWAY, now armed with the proper eye goop, we head to the markets and I don't have one iota of trouble out of my eye for the rest of the month long stay..NADDA!
I really appreciate all of the support you've offered me on this. I would've responded sooner or last night, but I've not been feeling well.

Long story short, I spoke with my regular doctor. That was after trying every Cleveland Clinic physician that deals with these, ahem, female problems. No appointments. I did also try Planned Parenthood after seeing that someone suggested it on here (and I appreciate the recommendation that came later for them as well) and they can't get me in until sometime at the end of the month. Well, it's better than nothing and I may just be taking them up on that offer. But in the meantime I don't need to do any crazy doctor hunting as my doctor basically helped me over the phone. Thank goodness she's amazing like that (she really is).

I'm on bedrest. Yes, bedrest. I'm not pregnant or anything either (he he). But I've been having some issues and they've caused me to be bleeding internally (if anyone really cares to know why, I'd be more than happy to talk further in PM, it's just not necessarily appropriate for these boards). The bleeding's bad, but it's not something I need to be hospitalized least we're hoping. So, I can be up and around for about an hour a day at most. Anything else must be either sitting with my legs up or in bed. It sucks, but I'd much prefer being at home to the hospital, you know?

So, here I am, sitting with my feet up, playing on my laptop, and being infinitely crabby :?.

But I just wanted to say a big thanks for the support. THANKS!
It's great your doc was able to help over the phone. I forgot to add some more info about Planned Parenthood in Cuyahoaga County. Many times you see nurse practictioners or Physicians assistants who are PP employees. Most of the doctors are volunteer gyno' from University Hospital and sometimes Cleveland Clinic. Some of the priciest gyno's with the biggest reputations volunteer their time at PP. You pay a heck of a lot for thir services if you booked their private offices.Just something to keep in mind. PP does provide quality service. I could go on quite a bit. I used to volunteer at one of PP offices many years ago. Hope you feel better soon!
5 months of waiting for treatment of cancer? O_O

I personally have never had any bad issues with the canadian health care system. In the summer, I had to have an emergency procedure done. Although they told me I had to be put at the top of a waiting list, they called me back two days later and I had the procedure done the very next day. I also didn't have to pay a pennie because I had a care card.

Alexah, I hope everything works out and that you'll find a doctor who can treat you asap. Otherwise, you should move to Vancouver!