Mini Lop vs. Holland Lop

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2011
Reaction score
Central Florida, Florida, USA
I breed only Nethies and Polish, so I know nothing about the lop-eared rabbits. I am dying to have one and *maybe* get a breeding trio down the line, but I'm not sure which breed to go with. I understand that the Hollands average about 2 pounds less in size than the Mini Lops? Are there any other differences I should know of? I would love to hear from owners of both. :)

I would also like to know what color you would suggest so that I could have at least two colors (best would be three!) that would be intercompatible if I did get a breeding trio. I don't like blacks. Thanks so much! :D
I would say that Holland Lops are more similar to your current bunnies in personality. Mini Lops are rather laid back and less feisty comparatively. I haven't owned either breed myself, but my 4-H kids have brought in some to our club.

Mini lops also have longer ears compared to their head. Their head isn't as round as a Holland (Hollands actually carrying the dwarf gene, like the Netherlands).

I prefer Minis to Hollands, myself, but I think going with what you already have, a Holland would be a better fit.

But if you want to breed snuggle bunnies, minis are the way to go. Then again, I am biased. These are my two taking a nap:


I hope the picture turns out this time?
I prefer the temperment of the Minis..but you already have the hollands attitude with what you have and deal with the dwarf gene in your Neatherlands.

Colors are going to be like the neatherlands, tan based, agouti, shaded, exc..

Pick a color that you like and then its easy to find 2 that are compatable.
Thanks for the responses. I think I have settled on the Hollands. I almost prefer the head shape of the Mini's more, but I adore the Holland size.

Orange is by far and away my hands-down favorite in Hollands, so I am thinking of an orange buck, a broken orange doe and a black harli doe as my trio. I have to investigate the genetics a bit more because I don't know much about harli's, but I think that will give me some pretty neat solid, broken and harli offspring. :)

I would personally get the broken orange as a buck...and then breeding it to the two does you will get the brokens and the solids =) and possible tris with the harlie doe.
I guess I just didnt see the purpose of more unshowable babies. I dunno. And I'm not sure if you would get harlie kits that way. I'm not great on genetics, I just know, what I get from true harlies. I haven't bred to an orange, so I don't know for 100%
You only get tris if you cross a harli or tri with a broken or tri. In rex, we cross tris with broken reds (orange) if we don't have a tri to breed them to, since harlis aren't an accepted color. Either way, it results in some charlies and some solids (only some of which will be harli if breeding to reds, and the harli isn't homozygous on the japanese gene), but about half should be broken/tri depending on the harli's japanese/extension genes.
its not just the breeding to a solid issue, its what the harlie is based. Like I had a black magpie buck get in with a black fuzzy doe. I had 2 black kits and one Black jap kit. The black is a self, and its believed that my magpie buck is self based.

orange is aguouti based.... the harlie could be tan, self, or agouti, which is what will play a part in it.

confusing, no? lol

Mysti on here has some harlie lionheads, not sure what she breeds them to, and what kits she gets. I'll FB her and ask her to come back on here.
Thanks Crystal!

I breed the harlie in lionheads. I started with a black x chestnut and got my Harlie baby. I breed him to an orange doe and got 1 harlie and 1 orange, I bred him to my REW doe and I got 2 Magpie harlies.
Thank you Crystal. I so appreciate your help. I have to say, I have been really disappointed with the response I've gotten from Holland breeders the last few days. SO I really appreciate your helpfulness. :)
Crystal is sure a sweetheart and a great person :)

Do you want to start with the Tri? I have a list of colors that you can start your own Tri lines and works with a Harlie.
A harli from a black and a chestnut, now I am really confuzzled and defused. What the hay?!

Although for my purposes, I am thrilled to hear that from a harli/orange pairing you got one harli and one orange. It might be fun to have a harli just to see what I will get.
and the harlie from a black and chestnut, the chestnut is agouti, and so is the harlie gene..... not sure what else poped up through there to get it, but lol the agoutis!
I love love :heartbeat: Harlies... And now i got 2 magpies from a rew and harlie breeding, I am sure in love with what i got! :) Here I will show you some pictures of them! :)
I absolutely adore harlis. I don't even care that they're not showable, I melt into a puddle every time I see one.

Misty my goal is to have an orange-based breeding trio because I am head-over-heels-crazy-in-love with the orange. So I was thinking of a solid orange buck, a broken orange doe and a black/orange harli doe. That way I have a fun shot of getting solids, brokens and harlis from those three.

Unless I'm just spouting nonsense, which is quite a possibility. I'll just blame it on the juice. ;-)
I love the harlie and i also love the oranges. So we are on the same boat just in different breeds! :biggrin:

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