Mini Lop Bunnie

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New Member
Mar 29, 2014
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Hey guys,

Im new to the forum and I just noticed something with my bunny and I was hoping to get you guys input.

He is a 4 months old Mini Lop.

In the past 3 days he has been going crazy every once in a while, in and outside his cage. He will walking normally and calmly, next minute he will changing direction and going crazy for a bout 30 seconds and goes back to calm again.. is this normal?

I also had notice that he'll walk to corner, drop on his side, and quickly turn 90 degree to his belly and will be laying there for 2 minutes or so before he'll get up and start walking again. Is he sick?

He is eating normally though as always, quite a lot hahahha

Thanks for the help in advanced
Those behaviors sound like binkies and bunny flops to me, which are totally normal. When you say he is "going crazy," does he hop straight up in the air or kick out his back feet and toss his head around? That's what rabbits do when they are happy and it's called a rabbit binky. There are some videos on this forum of it. Just click on the video tab above and look for one. YouTube probably has some too. When he drops on his side, it sounds like the classic "bunny flop" or "dead bunny flop" (which sounds scary but just looks like they are dead when actually they are just resting comfortably).
Thanks Bville, less worry for me now.

When he runs he does jump up and twist and what not. But sometimes he doesn't jump, he just run left and right like someone in panic mode or something.

I'll see if I can catch him on video.

But that you for clarifying about the dead bunny flop
That's perfectly normal. He's just playing and enjoying himself!
I have a 8 month old mini lop rabbit and she does all those things sometimes! Completely normal. She has a crazy few minutes where she runs around & around & around and sometimes flops onto her side.. I think its really cute! Haha honestly i wouldn't worry. She's been doing that since we got her back in February and is perfectly healthy.

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