Mini-Holland Cross

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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2007
Reaction score
Catawissa, Pennsylvania, USA
Well, a friend of mine called me in a tizzy today. It seems her Holland buck escaped from his pen. When she found him he was in the same room as her Mini Lop (the mini has her own bedroom three doors down). The Mini was in her play pen, with the Holland, who was obviously just finishing his "hello" at the time. Neither bun is spayed or neutered. In defense of the bun mom, spaying in our area is very dangerous as there are no rabbit-savvy vets. When she took Herman (the Holland buck) to be fixed at four months, she was told he needed to wait to six months. Herman is five months, but his boy parts are definitely descended. So, I think we can basically count out the 31 days at this point. I told her to start scouting out homes for any she didn't intend to keep.

So....she was initially scared because the Mini is two years old and never was bred. I told her I didn't think that a Holland's babies would be harmful to her, so she is not nearly as scared now.

She's now more curious as to what the product of this love-fest is going to look like. Has anyone ever seen a cross between a Mini Lop and a Holland? I'd assume lopped ears and in between the size of the two...but I could certainly be wrong on that. I'm sure this whoopsee has happened elsewhere, so I thought I'd check in to see if anyone else has witnessed the babies from such a mating.

On a funny note, imagine the picture of that love fest. :)
Hellooooo I have brother and sister from what seems a Holland-Mini mix. I looooooove them. Pictures!








They're beautiful!

I have never seen a Holland-Mini cross, but how could a cross of those two great breeds go wrong? :) I'll show my friend your pictures...I'm sure she'll be pleased. I just know she'll want to convince her hubby that they need keep them all. :)

How big did your bunnies get? From the pictures they look smaller than a mini.
They are almost 4 months old now. So still a little young to say for sure how big they will get, but they actually differ in size at the moment.

Splinter is not even 2 pounds yet while Adeline is about 4 pounds.

You would never even guess they were brother and sister.

Splinter has a very flat face while Adeline doesn't

Adeline's ears are much longer, while Splinter has the short Holland ears.

It seems Adeline is more mini and Splinter is more Hollans :p

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