Mini Bunny Buying Spree!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
, British Columbia, Canada
Hello! I went toa feed store near me,and bought a 20kg bag of rabbit pellets (Although I'mthinking of giving half to my friend or cousin because I don't want itto go bad). I'm not sure how good it is, but it was around $10. Itdidn't have any ingredients, so I phoned the feed manager at the placewhere they came from and asked if they had mollasis, which they do (isit dangerous? I think I remember somewhere that it's not good forthem..?) and is alfalfa based. Kind of a let down, but they seem greatwith the analysis part!


Protien min 14%


Fiber max 20

Sodium actual 1

and the vitamins and ect.

Is it any good? I know the protiens low, so that's goodalthough the fats a bit higher then I'd like. It also contains seleniumin it, but I don't think it's not good because they have it with humanvitemans, or am I wrong? I was a little iffy about it, but I gavePebbles and Pepsi some and they LOVED it. It smells fresh and the samecolour as their other food, almost. Did I find a good pellet? The brandis Energy Plus.

I also got some liter. The brand is Stall dry. It's like woody pet form the looks of it so I got two bags for $4.60.

I also found some NIC Cubes, just a different brand. It came with 17cubes with maybe 25-30 connecters (I tried it, hurt my hand and decidedto o it another day.. :D) for $19.99. (I got two boxes so it's going tobe a fairly bigcage for Pebbles, I'm going to leave Pepsi inher original cage because she loves that cage).

I got a few more toys and stuff for them, but that's for another post!

What do you guys think?? Good shopping day, or what? :D Also, how doyou easily put these kinds of connecters together without havingwelts on your hands after from trying to push it in? :?


I know what you mean those connectors are... crap. So0o my answer for you isSs.


They work wonders on NIC!

-Ashley :bunnydance:
I should use zipties.. maybe I'll do 50/50 justfor some extra stability. I'll get my dad to connect them and I'll bosshim around telling him what to connect.. :D.

Any ideas of cage designs? I was leaning towards a pen like area.. so excisting drawing out possible cage plans! :D

Also, what could I use for some sort of shelfs? The grids, her frontpaws would slip through if she fell while tyring to jump on the shelf.She chews carpet also.. :D

I'm so excited! :D
I have a few questions about the cage..

1) How big should I make it? If I were to make it just rectangular, Icould make it (the squares are 14 inches) 5 sq by 3 sq by 2 sq.

2) Do you think a cage with28 inch fence around the cage willkeep in a hyper lionhead? She can jump pretty high (She can jump ontomy bed that's probably 16 inches high?) I want to avoid putting a topon it because then I'll have less room, or I'll have to buy anotherbox.. and I don't really want to.

3) Anyone have any suggestions on a base? Will she chew the linolium?Will she chew coroplast? Will if she chews it, hurt her? I was thinkingof making a large box with a wood bottem with wood sides and then putthe linolium on the base of the box hten build the cage out of the boxto keep the mess in.

That's all I can really think of for now..

Neither Flower nor Maisie chew on the linoleumtiles I have as the floor of their cage. I bought peel& stick tiles and stuck them to pegboard. I also usedpegboard by itself (rougher side up for traction) on their second andthird levels...minus the tiles. Works GREAT!! Easyto sweep and clean. I totally recommend it. :)
Check out my bunny blog for pics and detailedinstructions on how I made my NIC cage for my bunny Trixie. Pegboard(rough side up) is great to put over the NIC cubes that are being usedfor shelving. ZIP TIES are a hundred times better than those dumbconnectors. Not worth the trouble using those connectors if you ask me.
I used only zip ties.
You can use peel and stick linoleum tiles on the bottom level where her litter box and food and wter are for easier cleanup.

Here is the link to the pics and directions on how I made Trixie's cage(starting with page 2 for pics and page 3 for directions)

Where do you find pegboard? Do they chew it?

I only have 34 14 x 14 grids so I might have to do a littleexperimenting. I feel overwhelemd trying to think of a design now.. Idon't know if I've just dug myself into a project that won't get offthe runway and never start. Knowing my parents.. they start somethingand never finish it. ughh...

I'll have to keep deisgns I see in mind. I'll look through the cage only photo phile again :).

Also, I have a little dog.. scared of my rabbits but isVERYnosy. I was planning on building her cage on the groundin the rabbit room. The room connects with the garage, so people go inand out of there very often, espicially my 'think skulled' brothers. Iwas thinking, (I need a new bed frame anyways.. hehe) that if I use mybed (It has sides around where the matress goes) and build the nic cagearound the bed (so it keeps the poop in and is off the floor)that might work. Then I can just use the stick and peel tile and put iton my bed. My mom said absolutely not.. that's the only problem.

Or, I can get a piece of plywood, and put sides by 2x4's (Ithink that's what they're called..) around the edges to keep the messin and build it around that. Then put the tile or pegboard over theplywood... I'm not sure.. I'm so overwhelmed!


Spring wrote:

Where do you find pegboard? Do they chew it?

I only have 34 14 x 14 grids so I might have to do a littleexperimenting. I feel overwhelemd trying to think of a design now.. Idon't know if I've just dug myself into a project that won't get offthe runway and never start. Knowing my parents.. they start somethingand never finish it. ughh...

I'll have to keep deisgns I see in mind. I'll look through the cage only photo phile again :).

Also, I have a little dog.. scared of my rabbits but isVERYnosy. I was planning on building her cage on the groundin the rabbit room. The room connects with the garage, so people go inand out of there very often, espicially my 'think skulled' brothers. Iwas thinking, (I need a new bed frame anyways.. hehe) that if I use mybed (It has sides around where the matress goes) and build the nic cagearound the bed (so it keeps the poop in and is off the floor)that might work. Then I can just use the stick and peel tile and put iton my bed. My mom said absolutely not.. that's the only problem.

Or, I can get a piece of plywood, and put sides by 2x4's (Ithink that's what they're called..) around the edges to keep the messin and build it around that. Then put the tile or pegboard over theplywood... I'm not sure.. I'm so overwhelmed!


Did you read my directions on how to build a cage with the 14" x 14"grids? I used a piece of plywood with peel-n-stick tiles over it and 2x 4's around the edges to keep everything in. I also put wheels on thebottom, since the cages can get big and clumsy to move. I HIGHLYrecommend wheels!
Also, my rabbit's cage is only 3 grids high x 3 grids wide x 2 grids deep. So a total of 42" wide x 42" high x 28" deep.

You can get large sheets of plywood (I think they were 4 ft x 8 ft) andpegboard at Home Depot. The plywood was $12 a sheet and the peg boardwas about $10.
Home Depot will also cut the wood and pegboard to size for free.
I did skim through it while looking at the pictures, but I should of read it more thoroughly :D.

The only problem i've found out with pegboard is it's fiberous so ifshe pee's on it, then it'll be ruined.. wouldn't it? I can find plywoodeasily because my dads works in construction, and he can easily cut ittoo so that's not a problem, but thanks :D.

I'll have to see.. I need a pretty high skirt around the cage becauseshe's constantly kicking everything over ect. I was thinking of maybeif I find a plastic kiddy pool or something that's largeenough?I would like some levels, but lots of running andbinky room.

I was playing around with the cubes last night, and with the spaceallowed I can make it threee sq's by 4 sq's. I'll probably need anotherbox of the grids to make a few levels.
I'm still looking around on yahoo ect. to see what I can find :D.

She has 2 litterboxes on the bottom floor. Sofar she hasn't peed on any of the top 2 levels at all. She is prettygood with using her box. Well, not since she hit puberty. Now she kindaaims in or NEAR her litter box. She doesnt always make it to the box.The good thing is I placed the tiles on the bottom level for thisreason. It's so easy to just wipe the pee with a paper towel dampenedwith water and white vinegar. And the good thing about the peg boardis, is she DOES pee on it, its really inexpensive. You can always getanother sheet.