Milly my bun and other animals

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At last, the long awaited photos! They are just beautiful. Hope has a very 'loving' look to her if that makes any sense..? As for your boy, how about a name from 101 dalmations? Smudge, Bubba, Scout, Ralph, Chester, Smoky, Zephyr....
Thank you :)

Can I ask a question? Looking at the pics of all 3 of my buns do you think Milly looked ill and sort of sad. I can see it in his eyes... I think. Maybe It's just me he was dozing on my knee at the time, maybe I'm wrong. He always had that eeyore - sp?- look about him.

Hope is keeping me on my toes by jumping out of her cage all the time. It amazes me how something so small can jump so high! She is such a funny girl. :)

As for new buns name I'm thinking I want an outdoor name like a shrub, tree, plant type of thing. Along the lines of Willow or Bramble or something like that.
I will run Thistle by my son when he wakes up. He has claimed this bun as his own by way of an early birthday present. He will be 8 on Sunday. :)

I think that Milly looks very content. I've noticed that rabbits often look sadder when they are sleeping, but my guess is that is presumably due to the other eyelid making it look like that.
It has taken me forever to get to checking out your blog (there are soooooooo many to read...and I want to see everyone's bunnies).

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the pic of Milly stretching and yawning. What a beautiful boy he was.

Hope is a real cutie. Our Stewart (Holland Lop) had one ear that stuck straight out to the side for the first few months of his life. It was adorable.

Names for the new bun? Hmmmm....

Have you ever read Watership Down? Many of the rabbits in there have nature-type names (it's actually the book where we got Pipkin's name). I'll grab it off the shelf to look for some inspiration.

(getting up...walking...finding book...paging through...)

Here are a few: Blackberry, Hazel, Dandelion, Cowslip, Holly, Strawberry, Buckthorn, Hawkbit, Speedwell, Bluebell, Silver, Chervil, Campion, Woundwort, Blackavar, Acorn, Mallow, Ragwort, Groundsel

Hope those examples might add some inspiration. At times an animal's name comes so naturally, but sometimes it takes lots of pondering. I know you'll find just the right name. Keep us posted.

Mary Ellen
Thanks for all the name suggestions, my son still can't pick one. I'm usually quick picking names but for some reason I'm stuck for this bun. I can think of girls names but no boys.

Yes, I like to think Milly was contented while he was here. I still miss him like crazy, there are times when Hope makes it a little easier.

She is so funny, always up to mischief. She is totally different to him, you can't take you eyes off her for a second. I had to laugh and admire her for working out how to escape out of her cage! :) Milly could be trusted and had free floor time but not my little Hope she's a devil! lol :)

No, I never managed to watch it, never mind read Watership Down. I used to cry when watching it as a child and never saw it the whole way through. I even cry when I hear bright eyes!
ellissian wrote:
No, I never managed to watch it, never mind read Watership Down. I used to cry when watching it as a child and never saw it the whole way through. I even cry when I hear bright eyes!

Oh, I blubbered my entire way through the book to be certain. As I do with all the books in Brian Jacques Redwall series and so many others. I bawled my eyes out when we found a baby robin fallen (nest and all) in our yard last spring. I had to do immediate research to figure out how to handle the situation. Thanfully there was some really good info on the net and mama robin did return...all a happy ending. Still I am a maniac until I figure out what to do to help.

Hope seems like such a fun bunny. I hope the male bun is calm and even tempered...she may need that in a mate. I know it works for Emmaline and Pipkin.

Let us know when you've got a name for the boy.

Mary Ellen
The new bun still does'nt have a name. I think he is going to find it hard adjusting to living indoors.
He is used to roaming free outside, everytime I bring him indoors I think is stresses him out.

I don't like having him outside but I have no room for another cage indoors with having 2 guinea pig cages as well.

I'm not getting to know him very well or attached to him at all. :(
Oh no, that really stinks. It is so important to bond to your pets, for both of you. I hope you can work something out.
I know, I feel bad for him. :(

There is nothing I can do until he's neutered and I have'nt got the cash yet.

Just out of interest how much has neutering cost for your buns?
Neutering costs - it's been 3 years since I had Starsky done so I can't quite remember how much it cost. I think I have mentioned around £30 or £40 before, definitely less than £50.

Milly didn't look sad in his photos, he was a happy bunny. You were saying that Hope is a little devil when she's out - that is a really good sign. And if she can jump quite high she is obviously strong. I think she is going to do very well.

As for your chappy outside Cowslip would be quite fitting as he does have similar markings to a cow. I love cows! If he gets quite stressed when you bring him in - is there any way that you could let him out in near the entrance to your house and let him come in and investigate on his own? Rabbits are naturally curious so he would eventually come in of his own accord.
The price I've been quoted is more than 60 pound!

I need to work out something for him and soon, it is'nt fair. I'm starting to feel like I should'nt of brought him home. :(

Milly was a very happy bunny. I've got little holes in some items of clothing that he made. It was annoying at the time, now it makes me smile when I wear them. :)
rabb1tmad wrote:
If he gets quite stressed when you bring him in - is there any way that you could let him out in near the entrance to your house and let him come in and investigate on his own? Rabbits are naturally curious so he would eventually come in of his own accord.


I think that is a great idea. During the summer months (May-October) our 3 bunnies live on our screen porch (except for very hot spells when I move them to the basement). That gives them access to the porch and inside.

I know what you mean about being able to find room. We HAVE to have at least 2 cages because 1 of the rabbits fights with the others. Add to that our 10 of which cannot be with the others for the same reason...and 2 bad boys who are regularly crated because of some recent litterbox accidents...

Our house looks like a series of cages, crates, litterboxes... It's always a challenge when we have overnight guests. There are 3 bedrooms in our house: ours, the cat room, and the bunny room. For visitors I have to do some quick thinking and lots of furniture shifting. But I wouldn't give up my furry friends for anything!

I know you will find the right set-up for your black & white boy. It will just take you some pondering and creative thinking. Is he in a hutch now? When do you bring him inside?

In the past we've also used a baby gate to keep animals in/out of a room. Like during the winter months when the bunnies are indoors. I will allow one of them free roam access in the room all day and block it off with a gate. (Though some bunnies will jump a gate...our Emmaline takes2 gates stacked atop one another to keep her in...sound likeHope would be the same...) Is there a way you could do something like that for a period of time so the bunny could be indoors to get used to the house and all of you and yet perhaps not require constant supervision? It takes bunny-proofing the room...but it might be a way to get to know him better yet give him some space. Just an idea...don't know if it's practical for you.

Hope all goes well.

I'm totally devastated!

All my pics on my computer are gone! The person who is fixing it for me cannot access the my documents at all he keeps getting a access denied message. There is only one folder showing in the Hewlet Packard programme.

All my pics and videos of Milly are gone, all my guinea pigs that have passed gone too. The kids birthdays, Christmas, school nativities and the recent trip to London were I took my daughter to see Wicked for her birthday. The only photos recovered are some hamster pics.......GREAT!

I could kick myself for not backing them up on disc. :(

I can't access my photobucket account yet, I'm hoping I have a few at least on there.
I hope so too.......everything I've posted on here should still be in photobucket, at least I will still have some of Milly but I took literally 100s of him.

Although some is better than none, I won't have any video's of him and Keyra cat anymore. :(
:sad:Oh, no! I am so sorry. I lost all my Christmas photos last year when I had computer problems...and around the same time I accidentally taped over a video of our bunny Gingivere's first Christmas. UGH! I can relate to how you feel.

Thankfully you have the photobucket pics. I know it doesn't replace what you lost, but it is something.

I remember feeling soooooo devastated. Then I thought about people who lose their homes to flood or fire and lose all possessions. It didn't totally take away my feeling of loss, but it helped me to put it in perspective. And the incident has made me A TOTAL MANIAC about backing up EVERY TIME I put new photos on the computer.

Hope you're feeling better about this all soon. I'm sure a few of Hope's bunny antics will help tobrighten your day!:rabbithop


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