Milky urine

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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2005
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I have a few HLs and they have milky urine....does this mean something?

They are about a year old and i feed them Oxbow 15/23 as that is theonly alfalfa based pellet i can get...should i be changing to a timothybased diet??


i have read it, i feed timothy hay freely and 1 ounce ofpellets per pound of bunny. Should i change to a timothy basedpellet????Tks.
I'd start with that idea, wintermelon, atimothy-based pellet that is. There's a lot of calcium inalfalfa. As stated in the other post: The milkycolor can indicate an excess of calcium in their system, or it couldjust be the difference in the way their body is processing andbalancing what it's eating.

It's best to keep the calcium levels under 1% in their food if you'reseeing a lot of this. Some greens, such as kale and parsley, have ahigh level of calcium in them. If you're giving your little one that,you might cut back some. Also, alfalfa hay or based pellets are knownto be high in calcium. Consider switching over to grass hay or timothyhay.

Many vets don't like to spay rabbits under 4 months. Some prefer to wait for 5-6 months.

You rabbits arebeing fed too much calcium, probably from the alfalfa. You might wantto switch to timothy hay and feed.

But...If theurine isthick and creamy, this is a sign of bladder sludge - a condition thatcan be very painful for the bunny, making it difficult to urinate, andpossibly leading to bladder stones and blockages, if so you will needto see your vet RIGHT away.

i breed my should i feed the alfafa based diet to the does and timothy to the bucks??


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