Miffy's purse keeps getting really skanky

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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2004
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, , United Kingdom
Hi all,

my house bunny Miffy has quite a big dew lap (we call it her purse) andit is always getting really tousled, dirty and smelly cause she dips itin her water bowl, then it picks up biscuit crumbs, vegetable juice etcetc - you can imagine!!

Now we have noticed alot of the hair is coming out and she has baldspots on her purse, the skin looks healthy and pink, only a bitdandruffy. Sould she get a cream or something?

How do you keep your bunnies purses and wallets (if they are male) clean?!!!

mummybunny xx

If an area is moist a lot, it's not surprisingthat the little one will lose her fur. You could put a littleVaseline on it. Why not take out the waterbowl and try usinga water bottle?

We don't have a pen/cage for Miffy or Munchkin,they are free roaming!! I wouldn't have anything to hang a bottlefrom.She has never actually used a bottle, neitherhas Munchkin. Would they find the change difficult after alwaysdrinking out a bowl?

I would worry she would, or Munchkin would just lick off all thevaseline, wouldn't it harm their insides? Or she would just spread itall over her face by trying to clean it off with her feet.

She does usually manage to keep her purse clean, this is the first timeshe has lost hair though, she is quite a big girl, so does have a bigdew lap!

Thanks for replying

mummybunny xx
You can put a nontoxic ball (like a dog toyball) in her bowl. Choose one that will allow her to put hermouth in the bowl but not her dewlap. I saw this in a booksomewhere and I used it to keep Mocha from throwing her toys in herwater bowl.

She might have a skin infection from the wetness. If itdoesn't start to clear up after putting the ball in her bowl orswitching her to a water bottle, take her to a vet.
Purse - that's funny.

I've heard that sometimes dewlaps need to be surgically reduced orremoved by a vet, if they are too large. It prevents themfrom cleaning themselves properly and sometimes affects eating anddrinking.

I'm sure your vet will be able to help you.


That's interesting ... my bun alwayslicksthe H2O off his dewlap ... he then has a routine ofusing his front paws to clean his face and ears ...I guess his form of a "bun facial." LOL
I'll try raising it up - I never thought ofthat, I can't raise it too high though - Munchkin is the same type ofbun and size as Pebbles, he is like her twin brother, instead of an'eyebrows' line he has a straight line across his nose!!

Thanks again, mummybunny xx
mummybunny wrote:
Munchkin is the same type of bun and size as Pebbles, he islike her twin brother, instead of an 'eyebrows' line he has a straightline across his nose!!

The brick in Pebbles cage is small 1 1/4inches high. The brick I use in the free run pen isa paving stone brick 2 1/4 inches high.

Rainbows! :D
Good idea, Pet_Bunny! I also wanted toadd that when I saw the word 'purse' I had to laugh. That isoldSourthernlady'sslang for a female'suhm....well....bits lol. :wink:
They are beautiful. When I saw Miffy's purse Ithought you were going to say that your bun is costing you so much forvet bills. Then when I came in her realizing that it was about herdewlap.

Abby had that once cause she would always drain the water and it drips all over her dewlap.

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