Midnight getting worse? please help!

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Aug 4, 2005
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lincoln, ,
Hi again guys,

I think Midnight is getting worse because she'ssneezing a lot more now and there is this white mucus coming out of hernose. She lays around all day (are rabbits more active during the dayor at night?) Her appetite is ok, she eats her carrots and fruits and abit of her hay and pellets.. but I'm still worried, my vet is closeduntil monday. The vet gave me some kind of medicine that starts with aP. like Pen..something. not sure, I'd have to go get the bottle. butI'm really getting worried. hope someone can calm my nerves.. (or if itsounds like she's getting worse, help me out in what to do!) thanks!


ps. I could take her to a different vet, but I won't have any moneyuntil monday anyways, all I have right now is a $20. So if anyone herethinks it's bad enough I need to call the emergency vet (24 hour vetcenter) please let me know and I will come up with the money. thanks!
I'm not sure. But my understanding is that nasaldischarge is a red flag. I might consider calling the emergency vet andasking for his/her opinion.
Check the bottle. What is the medicinecalled? It should not be penicillin, as oral penicillin hassome really harsh effects on rabbits.

Was Midnight diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection?Did your vet culture the bacteria to find out what type itwas? If not, it's possible that the antibiotic you were givendoes not affect the bacteria she is infected with. When youtake her back to the vet, have them find out what bacteria it is sothey can give you a better medication.

My rabbits mostly lay around during the middle of the day.Rabbits are crepuscular, meaning that they are most active in the hoursaround twilight. How is she in the morning andevening? Is she still interested in food, and are her litterhabits the same? When these change, it can mean she is insome discomfort from the illness or the medication.
the medicine is called panmycin aquadrops. hedidn't do any kind of tests.. he just said she had an upper respitoryillness and gave her this medicine.

also, she seems to be eating a little.. she only nibbles on her food,she drinks more water than anything. Her litter pan is getting dirtier,so I know shes ok in that way.

if you say I should, I'll set up an appointment for tommorrow with a different vet, or I'll call the emergency vet.



If her poopies are ok and she is eating and drinking then she should beok to wait til monday, nasal discharge isn't good, but in saying thathow much is coming out of her nose?

Buns are more active on dawn and dusk, so don't be alarmed if she sloths around most of the day.

Main thing is try and stay calm (easy for me to say I know)

If you feel things are getting worse then call the vet, I don't knowabout there but over here if things pop up that are very unexpected andthe vet bill is high they let you pay it off .
In saying that our vet deals with all of our families pets,we have 1 vet for the big animals and another for Bindy and Teah andEbony, the dogs vet is more a farm vet so the thought of themtreating buns and ratties leaves me a bit funny but they are great withours and the rest of the fanilies dogs.

Go with your gut instinct if you think things aren't imrpoving then call the vet.

Goodluck and keep us posted.

Panmycin is a brand name for Tetracycline - asafe antibiotic widely used for rabbits. Keep an eye on herfor any changes, or relapse. Be certain to give themedication for as long as recommended by the vet. If theinfection is agressive, a stronger antibiotic may be needed.

If she's not eating well, I'd give her a little Nutri Cal daily.

Ok thanks guys!

Me and my boyfriend breed ratties... not for profit, but for fun. andwe always take them to the vet I took midnight too. They seem to alwaysknow whats wrong. I used to go to this vet called A-4.. but they relyon injections to solve all they're problems.. so I stopped going thereand started going to superior vet because they seemed to know what theywere talking about, and also tried to steer clear from injectionsunless it was totally needed. I don't mind injections.. but sometimesit can cause problems.. for example, my parents hedgehogs (they breedhedgies) got mites, the A-4 vet told them to use this injection to getrid of them (they were external mites!) and the medicine perscribedended up KILLING 6-10 of your hedgehogs including one of my favorites.so I like to check up on my vets when they perscribe medicine. It'salmost become a habit of mine.. not sure if it's good or not.. justwant to make sure my babies will be ok.

thanks again!

I haven't been home much today, but she seems to be the same as yesterday.. runny nose, sneezing, I'll take her in tommorrow.


Beckie what you were saying about the mites being external, well we hada similar thing with our 2 dogs recently, what the vet did was gave usthis serumn stuff that we put on them at the back of their neck and ithelped in a huge way.

The hair stopped falling out etc and it's actually starting to growback, my inlaws had the same thing as well at roughly the sametime(their dogs not them), not sure if there was some sort of outbreakin our area or what the story was, we live inland a bit so who knows.

Also we have 2 Ratties, well our daughter does she has had them justunder 3 yrs and that's pretty good for ratties, however 1 has acancerous tumour that is growing at a very rapid rate, we are thinkingit won't be long before she passes or we have to have her quietly putto sleep, sad but it's what we will have to do if she is in too muchpain.

And I have never heard of breeding hedgehogs!!! I mean I knowthat people would do it but I have never heard of someone saying " ohand we breed hedgehogs"

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