Mickey & Maizie

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
Hopatcong, New Jersey, USA
Today was a really fun day! I decidedto go to Home Goods...needed a "fix"!! Stuck my nose in apackage of candles and began sneezing, like there was going to be notomorrow!! Nose hemmoraged...blood, everywhere...damn thingwouldn't stop bleeding...had to leave.......need to go back...need toshop!! Anyway, by the time we got back home, thenose was down to a trickle.

I opened the door to Mickey & Maizie's hutch and gave them aramp to play in the yard. Mickey immediately hopped down theramp and off he went! Maizie lingered behind.


Tippy, the cat. jumped into the hutch. Maizie went after the cat......see cat parts in Maizie's mouth!

She jumped out of the hutch and both the buns enjoyed an hour of fun, frolicking, and digging.

Note the cat, hiding in the weeds, in the background. Bothbuns, after a short while, became accustomed to him and stoppedthumping when he got near them.

When it was time to go back "home", Mickey was a good boy and actuallycame when I called him. Maizie is a smart littlething!!! She realized that she could out-run me!!
Little booger...took forever to catch her!


They should sleep well tonight!
:laugh:CatParts!!!!!!! what asight and fright that must havebeen .

just who did that cat think hewas anyways jumping in whileshe was still in there LMAO!!!!

Best keep that little nose of yoursout of them smelly stinky nasty candles ,you dont need a bleeder like that againany time soon . wow bad timingtoo just when your about to blow thepaycheck lol .

hope you feel better ,
Wow! Mickey came when you called him? That's good, Dootsmom! :highfive: You have a way with him. He wasn't 'easy'.

Maizie has a mind of her own and she kinda freaked me and Buck outbecause you never knew what she was thinking. We talked about how hereyes gave little clue. She's also a big scanner, as I'm sure you'venoticed.

What's up with your nose bleeding because of smelling candles??? That'sjust Not Right! That's really something to look into. I'm serious.

Buck's reply to you on this post not only is Thank You and it's Greatto see them frolicking and having so much Fun, but also, check out the"Catching Bunnies" post by dajeti2. He tells you how he did it withthose two trouble bubbles!


You may not have been around when Buck posted, "Unexpected Company..."

...When you have time.


How are the Buck's babies, Charlotte?

The little "boogers" are doing fine.Mickey now growls at me....and I get an occassional nip. Ithink this is way of saying that he accepts me, it's notaggression. Mickey has to be out, playing in the yard, mostof the day. If I don't let him out, he gets mad at me anddumps his food dish! Maizie comes out every once in awhile. She's quiet and stays to herself. All shewants is her veggies....and would rather have them handed to her thanhave to forage for them! Mickey likes to forage! Myyard looks like a war zone! He's dug so many holes that itlooks like land mines have exploded out there! Right now,Mickey & Mitzie are out there, running together. Bothare shedding. My navy blue shirt is white! Mitziehas become a favorite of my MIL's. The two of them sit& stare at each other when she visits....it's a sight (I thinkMitzie is smarter!!!)!!!
Mickey and Maizie look wonderful, so relaxed and happy in the land of hole digging!

Must have been a sight when the cat jumped into the hutch.You go girl, Maizie....she's just a tough Jersey Girl! Mickeywill do his utmost to get out of the hutch. He once jumpedout from the top when Buck had his back turned to get hay.Ernestine was loose that day and Mickey took off after her.They got into a short tussle but Buck saved Ernie from furtherharm. After that Buck was reeeeeal carefulnot toturn his back on the Mickster!

:hug: Thank you for the update, Charlotte! :rose:

I love hearing about the babies and their antics. I agree that Mickeyis grunting and nipping because he's now comfortable with you andreminding you who's really in control.

As The Missus knows, it used to befuddle Buck how Mickey would gruntand nip at his hand when it was he who was making sure he hadeverything he needed and would desire. If memory serves me correctly,The Missus could go out and scoop him up and have no problem with him.:disgust:

What's that saying? Something along the lines of hurting the ones you love?

I love that he's having a ball digging holes. Also adore how Maizielikes to have her vegetables hand-fed to her. What a little Princess.

I'll check in here and there on the little boogers. I'm sure Buck isenjoying seeing how comfortable and happy they are at your home. Theylucked out - Big Time!

:kiss: :kiss:


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