Meet Sir Tommy The Hamster!

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
Tommy is a young, probably around 3-4 monthsold, chinese dwarf hamster. Just 3 weeks ago, I lost my russian dwarfhamster Jouichirou (Joo-ee-chee-ro) after having her for 3 years. Shewasis sorely missed, andshelived anextraordinary life in a habitrail cage with amazing tubes and tunnelsattached. She loved her little cage, but she began getting tumorsmonths ago, so I know that's what caused her passing. That, and oldage. Tommy is now in her cage, and while I rinsed it well, I wasn'tconcerned with diseases, as Jouichirou wasn't sick when she died.

Anyways, I wanted another dwarf. So I was in the pet store theyesterday with my friend who works there and I saw Tommy. He was byhimself and totally adorable, of course. I told her I wanted to holdhim, and when I did, he was so sweet! Squirmish, of course, but neveronce tried to bite when I was trying to position him in my hands.Jouichirou was so sweet like this, so I knew Tommy and I were a perfectmatch.

I'll have pictures of Tommy's full setup later when I am done playinglego's with his tubes and tunnelsand decide which design Ilike. :cool:

So, without further ado, here is Tommy!



Aww how cute!

If I can convince the DH to let me get one I will go to the localshelter (where my mom lives) they always have alot. They get alot ofbabies.
Awww, awesome! Make sure to share pictures. :cool:

One of the shelters here USED to have babies, but they had themforever. Eventually they grew into adulthood, and I'm not sure ifanyone ever adopted them. Same with some mice. The only thing foradoption right now is two ratties. *Sigh* I would've loved to havegotten a little hammie from a shelter.

Our Petco here always has one or two for free adoption, however theyare always psycho. Last one I tried to hold put a hole in my hand.:shock:

I love the dwarf hamsters! Ours isquite the little hunter and crickets are one of her favorite snacks - Idid give her a worm once that she loved - but that is just way toogross.

Aww he looks like my 2 little hammies!!:inlove:(I have never gotten any pictures of them though because my camera ispathetically slow and they are so speedy!)


Jade, that hamster is adorable, you should adopt her! I love the golden's.

Pam, my ratties used to love to chase crickets, it was hilarious to watch. I never tried it with my hammies, but I may!

SM, I noticed the red spot the minute I posted the picture earlier. Iwent right in to check his feet, and I couldn't spot anything at all.I'm not sure if it was due to the flash or was a seed, or something...'else'. But it scared me, I thought it was blood at first. But it'snot, all his little feetsies are just fine.

I finally have his cage MOSTLY together. I have two little hideawaysthat attach to the piping, but I haven't dug them out yet. I will laterand I'll add them to the cage and post an updated picture. I used tohave bags of piping (at the pet store where I used to work, whenever wediscontinued one of the habitrail cages cause themanagercouldn't get them anymore, the manager let all thecages and pipings go for $1! Of course, I snatched nearly everypieceup, and because I worked there,he let mehavemost for free. This was like nearly 2 years ago. No ideawhere the other bagsof pipings are though, I'll have to looklater).

For now, here is Tommy's cage and some pictures of Tommy right after I put him in it...


"Ahhhh, she found me!"

"Peek a boo!"


"Hey, what's the deal! Where's my dinner woman?!"

"Ahhhh, a nice and comfy house!"


Just to show my old cage setup, this is whatJouichirou's setupused to be. Warning, this was taken at ourold placeright after I got her 3 years ago, so disreguard theNSYNC stuff. :shock:


Tommy is so adorable.

I have heard those wheels are dangerous though, I have heard stories ofsmall pets getting stuck in them and dying. Mesh or solid bottom wheelsshould be used. You can get a small mesh wheel from Petco for like$3-$4.


The silent spinners are safer than the mesh ones also...


I know you have probably used that wheel with your past hamster, but I just wanted to warn you incase you didn't know:).

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts

hi there tommy is adorable he looks like a robunski hamster though

i will have to get to the shops and get my pictures devoloped of harvey and toffee

under gun fire

thats right as there feet can become trapped in the wheel

also i have to buy another cage for toffee as i have an immac fantasycage and ive tried all over but cant find a wheel to fit thecage so at the mo hes got a sillent spinner on a stand

but it is so noisey and he can start of on the left side of the cageand by the time hes finished its on the right side and it shakes as well

not really recomended by me

varna xxxxx
AWWW he is soooo adorable! I couldjusteat him up!! (dont think you'd like thatthough!!) I'm getting a hamster over easter holidays i'vebeen begging for ages and now i have saved up enough money! Wish youboth all the best!

Anabell :bunnydance:
Yep I agree, the solid wheels are best, the wire ones can trap itty bitty feetsies:)

But apart from that, what a great cage, great fun for a hammie:D
I love him he is so cute! I desperatly want a russina dwarf but mom and dad have declared this as a no rodent zone.
I would love an itty bitty hammy, but my experience with hammies have been not so great. I do love the looks of the little ones.

Maybe when my mice pass on, which will be NEVER:wink.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Hamsters are so cute!!! We don't get them herein Australia (at least I've never seen one...and I remember readingsomewhere that they don't have them over here) I've never actuallyseen one in the flesh before, so to speak!!

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