Meet Beckham!

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
You can read Beckham's story here:

I decided to start Beckham his own thread so I can add pictures andupdates as he heals. He seems to be do wonderfully so far, I'm sothrilled! He's such a happy little guy. Here's some pictures of him,the first one is of one of his wounds:









Here's another picture of a full tank view, Iforgot to add it to the last post. He actually has some new toys and anew little mini igloo house, but it wasn't in there when I took thepictures earlier.


And, here's a video of Beckham. I have another one of him running onhis wheel, but I have to upload it. I'll post it later this evening.

Aww...Beckham is wonderfully cute! I just love that cute wittle face!! :D

I admire you so much for you taking the time to save that littleguy. That's so wonderful! I'm sure he's just thehappiest little guy around!! :D

Give him, Harper, and your other babes my love and hugs!

Hey maher, give Maisie a nose rub from me and Harper! :D

Beckham is justthe cutest little guy, I can't wait until heis all healed with a full coat of fur. Right now he looksalittle rough

Beckham decided to tear up his toilet paper roll and dig a hole in hisbedding and hay. So now he is buried in bedding and hay, with cardboardbits stacked on top of him. I think he's comfortable. ;)
Today in the land of Beckham...

Beckham figured out what being totally spoiled really means! He got abrand new hide-away house made of natural bark and wood. It's in theshape of a tree trunk with holes all in it for him to climb through. Heloves it!

He also got himself a meal fit for a king today. Chunks of cheese, crackers, and boiled egg. He's in mousie heaven!

I'm trying to get some good nutrients in him to get him healthier, andtrying to "stop him up" so to speak. He's had diarrhea since I'vegotten him, although it's not the "wet tail" disease. The vet seems tothink it's the poor diet, or lack of diet, that he was on before I gothim. He said the infection, being so close to that area, may have alsoplayed a role in it. He's doing wonderfully otherwise!

So Beckham isn't doing so well. :(

He's been on round after round of antibiotics and we (me and the vet)cannot get rid of his upper respiratory infection. Poor guy. He can'tstop sneezing and wheezing, and he's all congested with a runny nose.It's not allergies, as I've changed his bedding and took out his hay.The symptoms continued.

NOW he's scratching and losing hair on his back end. We're assumingmites, and I'm picking up some mite medication tomorrow. No idea wherehe got the mites, but I've been told that they can lay dorment and canbreak out when an animal is stressed. And I'm sure that pesky URI isstress enough.

He's now back on yet another round of antibiotics, this time Baytril.Hopefully it'll work and we can get it to go away for good!

Prayers and good vibes for Beckham greatly appreciated! :)
maherwoman wrote:
Keep us updated on how he's doing, ok?
Will do! I'm going to pick him up some new wood chews when I go get hismedicine. Maybe a new toy will cheer him up... he looks so awful. Hishair is all ruffled, his eyes are dull... that URI is taking its tollon the poor guy. And he's had it since November! :shock:
Aw he's a cutie! i love white mice.

Just an afterthought, maybe you should weave some cardboard between therungs on that wheel or get a different one, because small rodents canoften fall between the rungs and break their legs.
Oh, I'm just seeing this now, I must've missed it, sorry!

How is he today?

Sending prayers and healing vibes his way!!!:pray::hug1
So all is going horrible in Beckham land.Beckham is the most miserable mouse lately, and I don't blame him. Hestill has a URI and is still scratching and has thinning hair. So nowthe vet thinks he has an allergy, not mites.

Well, things took a turn for the worse. I woke up this morning to findBeckham turning circles over and over, with his head tilted sideways.His on-going URI has done caused an inner ear infection which gave himhead tilt.

The vet is calling in some Bactrim, again, tomorrow to replace theBaytril in hopes that SOMETHING will work. I feel so bad for him and Idon't know what else to do. Poor guy, he looks horrible and I know hefeels just as horrible as he looks.

I caught some video of him earlier walking around in larger circles.Most of the day, however, he spent spinning circles in one spot.


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