meet annabelle and i! (get ready for a looooong post)

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Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Richmond, Virginia, USA
hello! my name is rebecca and i am a "new mother"! her name is annabelle and she was a local shelter find. she's been part of the family since this past tuesday. i don't know much about her yet seeing as we have not had our first vet visit. i'm in college...saving up the money and will take her the moment i can afford it, shouldn't be too long! i think i recall the lady at the shelter telling me that she is 2 years old and spayed (if she's not i absolutely plan on having her fixed asap), but to be honest i was blinded by excitement when i met her (instantly fell in love) so most of things went in one ear and out the other, but they didn't seem to know much about her either. it was a shelter that specializes in cats and dogs (she was the only bunny), so i'm not quick to trust anything they say. i'm not even positive that she's a she! i do remember them telling me that she is a mutt, but maybe some of you on the forum can help me confirm that after i post pics. i weighed her today for the first time and she is a touch over 2.5 pounds.

now for personality! today has been exciting for me because she's starting to show her true colors. much of the time she loves to be cuddled, although she has been known to fidget and give you a hard time. last night, she cuddled in bed without so much as a peep for at least an hour while i watched a movie. she's been a little more restless today, so i've been letting her explore my bedroom on her own (with quiet supervision from me). she is VERY curious and has been exploring my room like there's no tomorrow...hopping up on and sniffing and clawing EVERYTHING! she's not too prone to chewing, stomping or biting, but as i just said she does claw which to me is unacceptable. i am trying to break her of the habit because even with newly trimmed nails she was still able to leave a scratch on my upper arm that required 2 bandaids. i'm okay with some battle wounds, but i do not want her to act out like that when being handled by others (especially the rambunctious 5 year old boy i babysit, although she has been an absolute angel so far in his arms which impresses me). any advice on breaking the clawing habit is appreciated! so far she has been handled by about 10 different people and has been very receptive to making new friends. she likes to sit with me on my bed when i'm on my laptop, but if i don't give her the attention she wants she lets me know with a firm nudge of my arm with her nose, almost as if she's trying to get my hands away from the keyboard. if it were a human child, i'd find it annoying...but with her it's adorable!

right now she's living in a metal dog crate. she also has a small travel carrier. i wanted to get something bigger, but even on sale the one i have was over my price range. her litter box and food dishes take up probably 40% of the space. she could do with a square foot or two of extra room at minimum. i'm looking into ways to expand what she's got now. the shelter told me that she is litter box trained, but i am finding that to only be the case about 40% of the time when it comes to #2...there have only been 3 slip ups so far with #1, and two of them were on the first day i got her (while she was being held by new people) so i let those accidents slide. my goal is for her to have 90% success with #1 (because let's face much as we love our rabs, their pee isn't too pleasant) and 60-75% success with #2. i'd love to eventually move past the cage and give her free roam of the house, at least while i'm home.

a little about me...i am a sophomore at VCU in richmond va. i've been a vegetarian for a few years now and absolutely LOVE animals. out of all of the other pets i have had/cared for (3 dogs, 2 cats, 3 hermit crabs, countless fish, 1 guinea pig, several horses, 1 field mouse, 3 turtles) rabbits definitely win so far. unlike other animals, rabbits NEVER grow out of their cute stage and i think they are on par with dogs as far as having great and unique personalities, but they have the curiousness of cats which i think is super cool.

hang tight for pics...
here she is!


a family portrait...

it's impossible to look at this picture and NOT smile!

just took this one today...she loves laying belly up in my lap!

:helloand :welcome1to RabbitsOnline. I am glad you found the site. RO is a very active, friendly and helpful website devoted to rabbits and their slaves. That is a very beautiful bunny.

Here are some good links to areas of the site you might find interesting, the Library section, full of good reference info, Bunny Blog, where you can keep everyone up to date on your bunny and your life as a bunny slave and if you bunny would like to ask questions of other buns the Bunny Chat is the spot to be. The regional forum is a good way to find a rabbit savvy vet or to post places where you get some of your supplies for your bun etc. For the lighter side and to give you a chuckle or two stop by the go to the Let Your Hare Down section for anything but bunny's.

Here is link to the rules of the site, light reading Rabbits Online Forum Rules.

If you would like to post pictures in your post this link How to put photo's in your posts will help explain that.

I hope I didn't overwhelm you with info. This is a wonderful site and I look forward to seeing pictures and reading some stories.


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