Medicines for Pasturella

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New Member
Jul 7, 2011
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Johannesburg, , South Africa
Hi Everyone

Wanted to express my thanks to the blog for saving my bunny!
Vets in South Africa are not geared for bunnies as pets!

After 1 week of Baytril injected twice daily, followed by 1 week of Purbac suspension (Co-trimoxazole) twice daily per mouth, Buggerlugs was definitively on his way out!

Then I Googled!

And found your blog and reference to use of azithromycin, multivitamins and even a probiotic. Went out and got 14 days supply and am 10 days into treatment and what a turn around! Have let my local vet know of the secret as apart from the above initial treatment, he was only prepared to try chloramphenicol as a final alternative, however finding this product in South Africa is not easy! He was not keen on any penicillins (i had suggested procaine penicillin inj) and thought a multivite & probiotic was a complete waste of time....

Anyway for those interested here are the stats:
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa (temperate climate)
Breed: Otter Rex
Weight: started on 3.4 kg and is currently 2.2 kg, but gaining weight again
Sex: sterilized male (done last October 2010)
Age: just over 1 year
Diet: eats a dry grass we call erragrostis, plenty veg such as lettuce, tomato, cucumber, loves apples and carrots, supplemented with rabbit pellets - was eating in the first 5-6 days normally and started going off his food completely from about 6-7 days until about 3 days ago.
Environment: kept indoors in wooden cage with sawdust at night and goes out to a open paddock during the day
Illness: Upper Respiratory Infection with high temperature of 39-41 deg C and white milky discharge from the nose. Continually chewing and tilting his head
Condition: fecal matter normal, no problems urinating and looked normal
Vet visit: Confirmed pasturella as most likely reason for symptoms and checked teeth (all ok), x-rayed lungs and mouth (all clear of ulcers - no anesthetic used)
Treatment: initially Baytril 0.3 ml twice daily with Meloxicam 0.5 ml daily for first 7 days, followed by Co-Trimoxazole suspension 3 ml twice daily (no pain relief) for next 7 days and now Azithromycin 3.25 ml daily, with Multivite injection 0.5 ml every 2 days and a probiotic capsule contents daily for past 10 days and will continue to 14 days.
You might consider using something other than sawdust in his night cage. Sawdust is usually too fine and will get into the rabbit's respiratory tract and irritate it (can be a contributing factor in pasteurellosis). I recommend hay/grass, wood shavings, or paper shreds (not dusty), in that order.