Medical issues and Doctors stink...need good vibes guys

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2005
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, Illinois, USA
I was finally diagnosed with Endometriosis last Feb. via laparoscopy. I've had painful cycles though since I was 13. Like, we're talking passing out bad. I was told in 2002 that I might have endo (but they weren't sure) and they put me on BCPs. I've been on 6 different kinds from 2002-2007. I've been married for over a year now and my husband and I are thinking about conceiving. So, in Oct. 2007, I stopped taking the pill.

This brings me to the current issue. As some of you mightknow,about 2 weeks ago, I started having pregnancy symptoms: nausea, higher temp, cramping, extreme sleepiness. Took 5 tests over the last 2 weeks and they're negative. Got AF last Tuesday. It was lighter than usual and over the 4 days I had it, it was constantly stopping and going. So, realistically, I only had it for 3 days or less. Now, I have had a pain in my left side by my ovary that feels like a constant light pressure for a couple weeks now. This week, this pressure goes from ok to bad. It feels like someone steps on my ovary. My concern; tubular pregnancy. Either that or my endo is acting up

I can't get in to see my Women's Health Care provider or my regular doc for several days to several weeks. I'm now waiting to hear back from a nurse on whether or not I should go to the ER. I'm really nervous guys. I'm trying to think positive and I hope it's not an ectopic pregnancy. I'd be really bummed...:?If it's just endo, I can deal. I have to. There's no cure for it. But...sigh. I just hope it's all ok. I'm just so stressed because I have an HMO and had to call doctor after doctor to try to get in...:disgust::help:cry4:
Well, I got an appointment for this Friday. Seems like they thought it was serious enough to fit me in. :?
Oh wow, that is rough. I hope it isn't an ectopic pregnancy. Glad you got an appt. sooner rather than later.

I will be praying for you. :pray:

I too have endo, so you have my deepest sympathies on that one.

I believe that an ectopic would show up as being pregnant? Is it possible you maybe miscarried and are now in need of a D&C?

I hope you're doing ok and feel better soon. Take it easy, and go to ER if necessary, FAR better to be safe than sorry.

Flashy wrote:
I too have endo, so you have my deepest sympathies on that one.

I believe that an ectopic would show up as being pregnant? Is it possible you maybe miscarried and are now in need of a D&C?

I hope you're doing ok and feel better soon. Take it easy, and go to ER if necessary, FAR better to be safe than sorry.


Oh, you do too. It's a like a very painful club! Sorry to you too.

I talked to the nurse and she said that a lot of the time ectopic pregnancies show up negative because the hcg hormone level is too low, especially since I just got off the pill a few months ago. As for misscarried, I don't know. I figure I would have been feeling worse and bleeding a lot more if I did. sigh. I'm not sure what's going on.

I'm just hoping its the endo. And like I said, I can deal. I don't want to get back on the pill because I want to try to get pregnant. If anything, a muscle relaxer to takeduring my cycle would be nice to have. I just don't want to take the shots they wanted me to take (which makes you go into a psuedo menopause). I mean, for god's sake I'm only 24! I shouldn't have to be dealing with all this stuff!

Ok, I'm done whining. We'll find out on Friday for sure. I just have to keep positive. I went deep into depression when I was kinda diagnosed when I was 19. I was told about the chances of not getting pregnant and so on. But my current doc says that after the surgery last Feb., that it was minimal and by all accounts should be able to conceive successfully. I'll stick with that. I need to function. I think I'm going to do something constructive around the house to take my mind off of it.

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. And don't worry, if I do start feeling really bad, I won't hesitate to go to the ER. :)
Ah, ok, obviously I got confused with something else I heard.

Something else to consider might be that the bleeding was bedding in bleeding and that maybe this is bedding in pain? I've come across a lot of people who have gynar problems who get that too.

*hugs* I really hope everything is ok.
It sounds like an ovarian cyst to me from what youre describing.

Ive always had terrible cramping and a few years back we found out I had severe endometriosis. I had a very large cyst on my ovary that ruptured and I was hospitalized. They doctor scheduled me for surgery to go in via laproscpy and laser other cysts in the area and when she went in my entire insides were covered in these cells from the endometriosis.

They are the most painful thing in the world when they rupture, but while they are still there they just hurt slightly. Birth control is supposed to help keep them in check, so it could be possible youre developing one since you've been off.

Let us know how your appt. goes. I'll be thinking of you :hug1
Oh, I hope it's not an ectopic pregnancy! I'm sure you've been doing research since you think that may be the problem, but ectopic pregnancies are so dangerous. Is there no way you can be seen before Friday?
Haley wrote:
It sounds like an ovarian cyst to me from what youre describing.

Ive always had terrible cramping and a few years back we found out I had severe endometriosis. I had a very large cyst on my ovary that ruptured and I was hospitalized. They doctor scheduled me for surgery to go in via laproscpy and laser other cysts in the area and when she went in my entire insides were covered in these cells from the endometriosis.

They are the most painful thing in the world when they rupture, but while they are still there they just hurt slightly. Birth control is supposed to help keep them in check, so it could be possible youre developing one since you've been off.

Let us know how your appt. goes. I'll be thinking of you :hug1
And again, welcome to the pain club. I'm so sorry that yours is so severe. :hug:I'm only at stage 1 and I can't imagine what having it worse feels like.

They believe I had a ruptured cyst when I was in college. I was in SEVERE pain but waited until my insurance kicked in to go the doctor. By that time, the cyst stuff was pretty much gone but I do have some scarring. This is not as painful as that, but it's just a pressure type feeling; it's not sharp all the time just like someone is pushing me, especially when I breathe in deep. If it is a cyst or otherwise, at least I believe I caught something early. Since being diagnosed, I've been keeping track of 'what's normal for me.' This doesn't feel like my normal endo pain. So, don't know what it could be.

Right now, I just overall feel sick. Tired, achy, low grade fever, throat hurts and I'm still having slight pressure and lower back pain. I think I'm gonna go nap with Drizzle. :bunny5

And I'll be sure to let everyone know about my appointment. And thanks again for all the kind words. I really appreciate them. :nodMakes me feel like I'm not alone. :groupparty:I talk about this stuff with my husband, but I think it's harder for him to understand these things, ya know? But he's been there for me since day 1 (he took me to the doctor when I found out...we were just going out for 1 year when they first thought I had it). He even offered take off work to take me to the docs if I need him to. I'm sure I can make it there on my own.

Once again, thanks for thinking of me. It really helps. :big kiss:
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Oh, I hope it's not an ectopic pregnancy! I'm sure you've been doing research since you think that may be the problem, but ectopic pregnancies are so dangerous. Is there no way you can be seen before Friday?
I hope not either. There is no way unless I go to the ER. If I feel worse or get dizzy/lightheaded or the pain/pressure gets worse or goes up to my shoulders (as it can happen if the tube ruptures), bleeding, or anything else, I'll definitely go. I talked to my hubby about it and he's aware of anything symptomatic to look for and to take me to the ER if I need to. I'm keeping a keen eye on everything.
Take care of yourself!

When I was 9 weeks pregnant, I had some really bad cramping (but no bleeding). They thought it might be an ectopicpregnancy butit turned out to be my appendix which had to be removed, so watch out for that.

Also, it could be possible that you are pregnant but the hormones are too low to detect right now. Some women bleed when the egg first implants itself...

And don't get me started on health care in America. It makes me so sad and angry for you guys!! What would've happened if my appendicitis happened in the US? I don't even want to think about that.

My hugs and best wishes are going out to you.
jordiwes wrote:
Take care of yourself!

When I was 9 weeks pregnant, I had some really bad cramping (but no bleeding). They thought it might be an ectopicpregnancy butit turned out to be my appendix which had to be removed, so watch out for that.
Thanks for the wishes. :hug:

I know it's not my appendix because I had that removed on my 3rd birthday. I had a disorder called Intussusception. Basically one intestine went inside the other and also dragged in my appendix. It almost ruptured but they got it out. I had major surgery and still have a pretty decent scar on my abs. Apparently, my parents said the docs saidmy appendixwas the average size for a 9/10 year old. So, I'm lucky they got it out. They had said I could have an Intussusception relapse before I was 10 but since I'm 24 I think I have the all clear. My 3rd birthday was not a fun day at all...

I'm just chock ful o' problems, aren't I? :craziness
Aww you poor thing, it sounds like you're having a really rough time. :hug:

I was going to say that one of the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy is pain in the top of the arm/shoulder, so look out for that, but it's good you know what to look for too.

I had anIntussusception when I was younger, too! I was 6 months old and the doctors couldn't work out what was wrong with me. My mum's a nurse, and she worked it out, and told them 'look! This is what it is!' and it was. I've got a MASSIVE scar on my stomach, considering I was so small when they operated!:shock:

I've got some idea of what the pain is like for you too, when I was 18/19 I began getting these awful stabbing pains, and started passing huge blood clots. I had various scans, tests and things, as they thought I had endometriosis to start with, but they couldn't find anything and just decided I couldn't take the pill and that was the cause (??!). They fitted a Mirena coil when I was 19 and I've been fine ever since! It's really not pleasant though, so I really feel for you.

Anyway, best of luck with your appointment on Friday, I'll be thinking of you. In the meantime, take care of yourself and get lots of rest, especially if it's making you feel so unwell. :)

Jen xx
I suffer from endometriosis - have been diagnoised for three years and am getting ready to have my second lap this spring to remove scar tissue from my last lap two years ago. The scarring around my uterus is so bad I am in constant pain from it - I am sorry to hear you suffer from endometriosis because I know first hand how painful and stressful of a condition it is, and how hard it is to get the proper treatment sometimes. I've been on the pill for four years but finally will now be taking it non stop - my doctor had me doing the on/off thing which was making my endo even worse and killing me (and my husband.) It took me a year to be able to see a doctor that was familiar with endometriosis and could offer me some help. My old doctor up and moved out of the country without notifiying his patients!

I hope you don't have a tubular pregnancy, but I have had some weird things happen to me because of my endometriosis and that's all it has been. I got in so much pain in October on a trip to New York I thought I was dying, so did my husband. I fell down in a store screaming in pain and could not move - my uterus had blown up so badly it was pushing on everything around it, and I serious thought it was over for me. Endometriosis can cause so many strange and often painful things to occur, of course most can be helped somewhat. I hope you get to see your doctor soon and are O.K. - I just want you to know I UNDERSTAND! If you ever need to talk - don't hesitate, I know how it feels girl!

Trailsend, have you tried the Depo injection? That was a life saver for me, the pill also made me far worse. Just a thought :)

And Lalena, you have no more problems than the rest of us, so don't worry about that. :)
Flashy - I haven't tried that yet, my doctor wants me to try and take the pill continuously for a while and see if that helps stabalize my moods and pain... the main thing is to stop new growth. But that is my backup for sure - I am not trusting the pill since It has caused me a lot of grief in the last few years - thanks for mentioning it!
Oh my I relate to what you're saying...especially today!

Though I've not been formally diagnosed (as I don't want to do anything invasive unless it's to stop something life-threatening), I do have endometriosis, and probably a few other things going wrong with my female bits.

I've had an ovarian cyst burst (a couple years ago), and earlier today, had another cyst I'm in quite a large amount of pain today...

But, I plan on having a hysterectomy here within the next couple years, and hopefully that'll handle a lot of different things going on (neither Danny or I plan on having anymore kids, so it's a good idea anyway, hehe).


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