Mean mini lop help ?

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mini lop luva

Well-Known Member
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
London, , United Kingdom
We have a mini lop at school and i love her lolwell she is a mini but we got her at about emm i dont know her age butshe is arggesive towards us i have been trying to tame her she is okwhen she is out but sometimes when i try to get her out she trys toattack me and i got told this is not normal on a mini lop well i have 2minis and they never bite me but the thing is she has bad eyes andteeth would that be the reason i think she getting worse please help ??
First off all ,

Take into concideration hersurroundiings , theres a lot ofkids a lot of noiseher cage is her only safe haven ,it sounds more like territorialissues than a mean rabbit ,If she is removedfrom the class room is thereany difference in her attitude, ( I mean outsideof the cage ). I am all forAnimals in the class room as a learningtool but use something lesssensative to pressure noise andtoo many people . as FAr as Iam concerned and many maynot agree but RabbitsDO NOT belong in a class room . andI wont get into theissues of Childrensdifferent personalities coming into playis such a situation , Even themost layed back Rabbit is goingto be agressive when felling threatened .
ayglnu13 wrote:
I was gonna say the same thing about the classroomsituation, but I am not in a good mood and I will want to rant

I'm feeling the same way. It's just not a good situation fora rabbit. That said, I would get her to a vet to have theeyes and teeth checked. I can say that my bad mood is causedby wisdom tooth pain, and if her teeth hurt, I wouldn't blame her a bitfor being in a snit.


when u say aggressive what do you mean? when it happens what are you doing?

Well she does not live in a class room it is asecondary school we have our own class room full of animals on thereown she just goes for us and starts growling and trys to bite we alwayshave a lion head like that whats wrong with them help ??
I try to help her i always check her teeth bathher eyes always try to get her out but its the money i try my best i dobut she getting better with her eyes though clearing up with me bathingthem so thats ok but we got her rescued so it might her been her oldowner that what i was thinking but i dont know thisisa picture of her she soo cute


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