She is making a mess in the cage because she isfrustrated.. She wants out, my lil girl does this if I have a very busyday and am late getting to her for her play time..
She is biting you because that is her home, my lil girl grunts at me ifI try to straighten up in her cage while she is in it, so I do it whileshe is out on playtime..
My advice would be to let her out for at least an hour every night, (ifonly 1/2 hour, somethings much better than nothing) She needs run timeand attention time.. Rabbits love to be petted.. My lil girls runs andruns when she first gets out and if you try to pet her she plays achasing game with you lol but when she is done (about 1/2 hour later)she hops right up in my lap and sits there for about 1/2 hour then backat it she goes, and the cycle goes on.. Straighten her cage up on herruntime, then ther will be no more baby girl telling you to leave hermess alone lol