I met an English Loptoday for the first timeand kind of fell head over heels for him. It was like a dog!-about 10 pounds and so social- hopping over and standing up to meet people and eating hay out of my fingers.
Now I really want one.I found him at a pet shop andthough it'sone of the good locally owned kind- this buck had aBIG pen with toys-I didn't feel right about buying from a pet store- or buying him on impulse.
I have a few questions:
Can bunnies live in harmony with a terrier in the house? (I wouldn't feel right with it outside, and I'm in the process of moving and will have a sunroom just perfect to gate off) I heard lops will stand up for themselves a little?
I've been reading lots of threads here and learning so much already- what a great resource. I know a couple of you have elops- are they good first time bunnies?
This buck was $79. I thought that was a little high, but now I'm looking on the Internet and can't find a breeder of english lops inside of a 6 or 7 hour drive. How terrible would it be to get this guy from the shop?
Do rabbits in the housemake the house smell? I hate that "small animals in a small room" stink. :? Will my whole house smell like that? I've been reading about that woodypet bedding, is it odorless?
I have a BIG wire crate from when my dog was younger, would that work as an indoor cage?
Oh yeah, their "hay". can you feed them regular hay or do you have to buy special hay? I have horses so I just wondered if "hay" was "hay".
Now I really want one.I found him at a pet shop andthough it'sone of the good locally owned kind- this buck had aBIG pen with toys-I didn't feel right about buying from a pet store- or buying him on impulse.
I have a few questions:
Can bunnies live in harmony with a terrier in the house? (I wouldn't feel right with it outside, and I'm in the process of moving and will have a sunroom just perfect to gate off) I heard lops will stand up for themselves a little?
I've been reading lots of threads here and learning so much already- what a great resource. I know a couple of you have elops- are they good first time bunnies?
This buck was $79. I thought that was a little high, but now I'm looking on the Internet and can't find a breeder of english lops inside of a 6 or 7 hour drive. How terrible would it be to get this guy from the shop?
Do rabbits in the housemake the house smell? I hate that "small animals in a small room" stink. :? Will my whole house smell like that? I've been reading about that woodypet bedding, is it odorless?
I have a BIG wire crate from when my dog was younger, would that work as an indoor cage?
Oh yeah, their "hay". can you feed them regular hay or do you have to buy special hay? I have horses so I just wondered if "hay" was "hay".