May be fostering a doggy

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Snuggys Mom

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2005
Reaction score
Memphis, Tennessee, USA
I saw this little girl on Petfinder and she just spoke to me. She looks like my dog's long-lost sister.


I emailed the shelter and they desperately need a foster home for her. My husband doesn&#39;t want another dog, but I&#39;m sure he&#39;d be okay with fostering her for a while. Her two sisters were adopted last month and she&#39;s in a foster home that isn&#39;t working out.

She&#39;s so cute!!
Now we just need an update and some PICTURES!!:D long are you going to foster her for.....15 - 20 years? :expressionless


JimD wrote: long are you going to foster her for.....15 - 20 years?

Hee hee - NO, Jim! I don&#39;t think we&#39;ll keep her permanently, even though I&#39;ve already fallen in love with her. My dog, Casey, seems fearful of her. He even growled at her last night. I think he wants to be an "only child".

On to the pics!




The pics don&#39;t do her justice. When I don&#39;t have the camera in hand, she always has a "smile" on her face and is so happy, her whole body wags!

She&#39;s REALLY sweet and really well-behaved. I LOOOOOVE her!

Oh, BTW, as you would expect, Diva Snuggy did NOT approve of the visitor. She thumped all night.

It was like, "Sheesh, I finally get used to one and you bring another smelly canine into my home - how dare you!".
Hehe...gotta love that Snuggy spunk!! :D

Your foster girl is so beautiful...I just wanna snuggle with her!! Give her big ol&#39; doggy hugs...take naps with her as my big ol&#39; "smelly canine" pillow!!

She&#39;s wonderfullll...*sigh*
Foster girl, Sophie, saw snow for the first time in her life this morning and LOVED it! It was hilarious watching her. She was doing crazy figure eights and donuts and belly flops in the snow. I was laughing so hard.

This was at 4:00 AM when she got me up. It&#39;s like having a new baby. She cries unless someone is with her.

I think my kitties are getting jealous (and possibly a little PO&#39;d) at how much I&#39;m "oohing" and "awww&#39;ing" at a puppy dog!! Hehe!!

She&#39;s ADORABLE, though!! How can I not??:D
Well, we&#39;re off to find a dog crate. I&#39;m going to have to crate train Sophie. She was being kept in a garage before I got her:(so she&#39;s got serious separation anxiety. When I put her in the laundry room at night, she cries and cries. I think a crate will really help.

Toby has a two level NIC condo. I had the top door open last night. I look around and Sophie had half her body in Toby&#39;s cage! :shock: Poor Toby was cowering in the corner. I&#39;ll be more careful from now on.
I watched a really cool episode of the "Dog Whisperer" where the dog had seperation anxiety and was crate trained. It&#39;s all about really tiring the dog out, being the "pack leader" and getting them used to the crate a little bit at a a time.

You&#39;re doing a great thing, Laura!!
I LOOOOOVE Cesar Milan! He&#39;s incredible.

I&#39;ve already got her sitting on command and waiting at doors (to let me through first). She&#39;s on a good schedule for eating, going out, playtime, etc. Whoever gets her is going to have it easy!
Sophie is leaving us tonight.


The rescue group is transporting her up to their New Englandgroup. They say she'll be adopted fast there and to a greathome.She'll love it up there. We had alittle snow Friday and she had a blast playing in it.

I can't believe how attached I became in a week and how sad I am to see her go, but that's what fostering is, right?


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