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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2004
Reaction score
, Virginia, USA

I'm a member of a German Angora group, the topic of matting was broughtup. Someone said that there is a toolcalled a pet pick thatworks great for taking out mats, but it's expensive. If you go to anoffice supply store like staples, you can buy the same thing in a twopack for less than $3, pakcaged as a letter opener!


I just found out about this, so I haven't had a chance to try it out myself, but I wanted to share the information.

Take care,

That's an interesting idea. I don'thave any rabbits that mat, but I do have a yorkie who gets tons of matsbecause his fur is kind of wavy. I might have to try it onhim.

dont yajust hate it when you buysomething special for your pet, at higher than inflationprices then go to a different type of storeand find the same darn thing cheaper , ithink most pet supply places think everypet owner has idiot stamped ontheir foreheads,

they also know pet owners are pretty muchinpulse buyers ans willpay outragious prices for things, without bargin shopping , worse partis < We letthem do this , and encourage it, sad but true ,

heres an example i saw the other day

Chinchilla cage $125.00, made of aplatic litter pan with 2 clasp down hooksattached to a wire cage body .

Local recycling center - same cage ( neededcleaning, disinfeting etc,) Free! cost ofcleaning supplies $ 2.00

Twisted pices of fakebark for snakes / lizards etc,35.00 ( nothing special )

Recycling center _ 2 different typesFree! again cleaning anddisinfecting $2.00 i might addone of the pieces still had pricetag still on it.,

for cages ,$ 195.00 single hutch 1 door ( rabbit )

Husband limited talent $20.00 and a Free double cagefrom recycling center .

I cant stress enough , Check you localRecycling centers foroutragious bargins , even if they ask fora donation , Always comparison shopcheck here there and everywhere forthe best quality forthe best price , The dollar yousave now is one youcan use later.
gypsy wrote:
ithink most pet supply places think everypet owner has idiot stamped ontheir foreheads
This is so true! I makes me laugh! I do a lot of comparsion shoppingonline to get the best prices. For example, at Petsmart they sellstainless steel cups for bird food that drop in to a ring. I wanted toget 8 of them, but the 20 oz size is $8.99 (possibly more in the store,I can't remember) but on the exact same website they sell the samebowls manufactured for dogs and they're $3.99 for a 20 oz dish. I alsowanted to get a glass Lixit bottle for one of my birds, online it's$24.50, I went to the physical store to pick one up and it was $36!!!

PETsMART- Top Wing Stainless Steel Coop Cups

PETsMART- Stainless Steel Crate Cups
I will! I'm hoping to get him sheared tomorrowbecause I'm leaving Thursday for a week and I know my husband wont beable to maintain him. I got his face done already though so that's themost important part.

I have to admit, pet stores do inflate prices,but really no more then other stores, they just pay more from theirsuppliers for the special packaging and the limited number they cancarry.

Gypsy -- Honestly, I don't know: how would I go about finding out if Ihave a local recycling center? I'm not even sure what to lookfor in the phone book. LOL

Meganc -- Unbelievably, a lot of pet stores do that, but again, a lotof it comes from what they pay for it. We sell the exact samenail clippers for small dogs, cats, birds and ferrets/rabbits, but theycome in different packages from the same manufacturer, and theycost3 different prices, one for dog, one for cat and one forbird/ferret/rabbit. It's insane. I order all catbecause they are cheaper, but people are nuts too and they don'tbelieve that they are the same thing until I show them. LOL

cirrustwi wrote:
I order all cat because they are cheaper, butpeople are nuts too and they don't believe that they are the same thinguntil I show them.
That's exactly the kind of people that manufactures prey on. I'm wellaware it's more of a supplier thing than the store thing. It's too badwe can't do anything about it. My mom saw something on her local newsthat people are spending more on their animals than their children!
