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Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Murrieta, California, USA
Hi all, I need some help. I bought tworabbits from breeder. Brothere/sister. We want tolet them have babies one time just for the experience of birth.(I knowthat is not recomended) The breeder said it would be fine tolet them even though brother/sister.

The are coming up on 5 monthes of age and are not seperatedyet. Over the last week, I have noticed the boy...well..he'sgettin busy!! Now today I see all kinds of reddish orangemarks on the girl. (she's all white) It looks like splattermarks.

What is this? Is it normal? When do I need toseperate them? How do I know when she is pregnet so I canseperate them at that point?

Thanks for any info you all can give me.
Hello! I just posted this in a different topic,but the topic is basicly the same thing. So I felt it would be OK topost the same thing here.


Hello! Here are some links to different forum topics that I hope will be very useful.

The Bunny – From Conception to weaning

This is a link to my post, where I was having problems with the babies

This is another problem that could happen, the mother eating her babies

The Rabbit Cheat Sheet (a must for all rabbit owners)

This is just my opinion but I don’t recommend breeding mixed bunnies(or brothers and sisters), because it can be really hard to find homesfor them, and for brothers and sisters there could be medical problems.If you have any other questions please feel free to ask!

Hi welcome to the board. I'm sorry I don't knowwhat the splatter marks are, maybe someone else would be able to help,but all I can do is advice you NOT to breed brother and sister. I hadthat happen to me, but mine was a mistake. I lost 3 of my first litterand one of the second litter. I didn't know what caused it so thoughtit may be a genetic thing with them being brother andsister.Interbreeding can cause problems with any animal and Iwouldn't have done it by choice. Obviously it is up to you but, in myopinion I would avoid it as if the babies don't survive it will onlyresult in heartache for you. Have you sorted out perspective homes forthem yet? You may find it harder then you think finding good homes forthem. Like I said though it is your decision and I don't want to comeaccross as harsh, its just although I had an overall good experiencethere are lots of bad things that can happen breeding brother andsister.

Let us know the outcome and good luck with whatever you decide. I hopeall goes well. Amy has posted some good links. Be sure to check themout.

I dont know for sure, but if its some spots onher/his fur, it might just be pee pee, maybe they used the bathroom andthey layied down on it, thats what happened to mines
hi hter..thanks so much for the advice.We were actually going to be keeping all babies. From thatpoint, everybody is getting spayed.

Per the breeder......since we were not selling them and since we wouldnot be registering them, she did not see any reason why we couldnot. SHe said they would not come out deformed oranything. No legs coming out of heads or anything weird likethat.

Oh....when they mate, is there any bleeding?

Rheanna222 wrote:
hi hter..thanks so much for the advice. We wereactually going to be keeping all babies. From that point,everybody is getting spayed.

Per the breeder......since we were not selling them and since we wouldnot be registering them, she did not see any reason why we couldnot. SHe said they would not come out deformed oranything. No legs coming out of heads or anything weird likethat.

Oh....when they mate, is there any bleeding?

Oh no I didn't mean deformed in that way :). What breed arethey?With you saying you got them from a breeder I presumeyou will know the backgrounds of their parents then, so everythingshould be fine. If she has said you are ok to breed them, then go forit.

Make sure you do read those links though, they are so helpful. I amsure the breeder will be there for you too if you have any problems.

Good Luck and let us know how everything goes.

Hi. Our 7 month old buns are brother& sister and had 7 seemingly healthy babes 4 daysago. We thought they were sisters.HA. They stayed together until we noticed hernesting. She was pulling out HIS fur. I don'trecommend keeping them together that long. We were kind ofcaught unaware. We actually lost her first litter, because wedidn't know she was pregnant, and we think daddy attacked the kits.Sorry, though,I don't understand the palpatation way oftelling if she is pregnant.

Our mama (Cloey - shown here) actually changed colorslightly. Her fur became darker/splotchy and her face gotdarker. The article "from conception to weaning"was extremely helpful. Remember if you keep all the babes,you'll need separate cages for many, if they aren't all fixed, and/oraren't getting along. Something I read (maybe that article)explained how they are territorial not relational animals.

You'll love the experience. We have, and didn't even plan on it!
My buns (bro & sis) started mating about two weeks ago. I don't want a litter...well I do, but can't...:(

I separated them right away and am waiting to get them spayed & neutered. I so wish I could handle a litter.

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