Mating my Female dwarf lop

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Mar 14, 2009
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I am just wondering if there is anone who has a male dwaf lop which I could use to mate with my female?

I am looking for someone in the Skipton area (N. Yorks).


This would probably be better in the Rabbitry Forum, so it might get moved.

Why is it you want to breed? Can you tell us more about your girl? That can give a better idea for what you need in a buck.
Thank you!

I am wanting to breed purely for the enjoyment of having baby bunnies. I had a rabbit about 5 years ago and she had 4 successful litters. We sold the babbies to friends and family and just chared enough to cover the additional food costs etc.

My rabbit, Imogen, is a one year old dwarf lop, chinchilla colour. She has started getting a bit frisky and think she is ready to breed now the weather is starting to pick up!

Not looking for anything specific in a male, any colour (as not after producing rabbits a certain colouring), just good health is all we require!



I don't recommend studding out bucks due to the risk of syphilis.

Holland Lops are known for their difficulty to breed and birthing difficulty (dystocia) is not uncommon in does (I've raised Hollands for over 20 years).

I'd do a little more research and be well aware of every possible scenario and the cost of dealing with retained kitsbefore breeding your doe.

What's the oldest age to breed a holland for the first time?
I don't think your supposed to breed a rabbit thats one year of age. As the pelvis has fused too small to allow babies to pass through.

We alwaysstart breeding the hollandsat 6-7 months. I know of breederswho breed hollands for the first time at 8 months. But any later I think it's iffy.

Correct me if I'm wrong.


I seriously do not reccomend breeding at this age :)

Its to risky to the doe and the babies, I've had a pencil kit before because I didn't listen to people on here and bred my bunnies when she was too old.
It was not nice and I will never do it again.

Just a heads up pencil kits are awful to look at...

You've gotten very good advice. I wouldn't recommend mating your bunny since she's already a year old. I'd hate to see you lose her, which would be a possibility at her age. Not only can you have dead babies (pencil kits if they are pushed through too small of an opening), but the mom can die from complications at birth. As Pam suggested, the babies can become stuck because the opening is not large enough for them to safely pass through. If this happens, you may lose her if you don't get them out of there safely and in a timely fashion. There are all kinds of horror stories about this happening, especially with Hollands since they are such a small breed.

If you are interested in breeding, I'd look to get another female that is younger. Breed her when she is closer to 6 months of age. It will be much safer and you won't be putting your beloved pet at risk.

i risked my bunny caramel. she was 5months, but there was a risk as well.
so please dont. im sure you will be happerier withj another younger doe
I was pretty lucky Rosey was pushing 10mos.when she finally bred, and her litters, with the exception of her first, all have done well (she's on her 3rd litter - and yes, Sam *the love of her life* being neutered this Monday;)..but I had heard about not letting them mate after 10mos. due to the bones solidifying too narrowly for the babies to pass through.
It would probably be best, as the posters have said above, to get a young doe and breed her around 6mos.
G'luck with your endeavors - and I can completly understand wanting baby buns...they have without a doubt totally 'captured' my whole family:D
Thank you all for your advice! It is much appreciated! I am not sure it is worth the risk either. Will have to wait until we get another rabbit to breed.

Thanks again

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