Marking in corners

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Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
Reaction score
Nor Cal, California, USA
I'm having trouble with one of my buns. He used to live in one of those 'super pet' plastic pans with a cage around it. When I adopted him, he had to learn to live in an ex pen. Now that he's bonded with my other bun they live in an NIC pen together. I've always had a bit of trouble with him peeing in all of the corners of his pen, as this is what he did with his old plastic bottom cage. I'm wondering if there's anything to be done about this short of putting a litter box in every corner of the pen which would take up lots of space. Any good ideas? He will use the litter box 80% of the time.
You can try putting something else in the corners. It will hopefully prevent him from peeing/marking there and can help break the habit. Having the food/water dishes in one corner, a box toy in another and something else in one and the litter box in the last one.

If that doesn't work, you could just try putting some puppy pads in the corners so it isn't too messy. Small corner litter boxes could also work and won't take up too much space, ones that clip on the side would probably be best.

Make sure you clean the areas really well. While vinegar is great for stains and odor, put some in a spray bottle and dilute with water (a 50/50 mix is usually good). Keep some paper towel near the pen along with the spray bottle and clean whenever you notice he has peed. You can soak up the pee with 1 sheet and put that in the litter box and clean up the rest.
try putting litterboxes in all corners, i had a similar problem, once they get used to that you can eliminate the litter boxes, at one point i had 12 litterboxes for 4 bunnies, now there are only 5. good luck :)

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