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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
Just starting a thread for us to post our March litters!
My fuzzy lop doe, Fiona, is due again around March 7-8th.

She had a giant baby and a peanut last month, both born dead- her firstlitter. I am hoping for better luck this time, I know she's going to bea great mom!! That's all I have due, no more Checkered litters plannedfor awhile.
I have two French Lops due March 21 and 23. Anda Dutch due March 23, and hopefully my English Angora finalyl took andwill pop some out on the 21 maybe a little later if she didn't takeright away. I'm short on space at the moment so my English Angoras havebeen together for like, 2 weeks. I never see them....go at it. Theyjust cuddle and eat all day. *Sigh* My adorably worthlessfurballs...
My Netherland Dwarf:brownbunny mix doe is due onMarch 10th or 11th! It's her fourth litter and we had to put the nestbox in today (3/1/07) because she was already collecting things but wefound out it was just so she could eat it! We still have the nest boxin and tons of shavings and a blanket in the bottom. :sunshine:
I do admit it was an accidental pregnancy. MyMini Rexescaped from the house when the back door was open,my male was hopping around the garden like he normally does once a day,and they came into contact with each other. It didn't take long.

It wont happen again because my male has now been neutered, I took himin Wed, to be done. And my female will be spayed in 8 weeks time. Shewill not be having any more litters, thats for sure. :)

That's hot. I've had 2 possibly 3 accidentalbreedings in the past 2 years. My doe is making a nest again, though Ihaven't had her around any bucks at all, and the closest buck is inthecage on top of her so I hope it's just a false prego. She made a nestthen peed all over it.

Do you have any plans for the babies? Know what you'e goign to do with them?

My doe is supposed to be having a litter, but she doesn't seem to be planning to anytime soon.
Occasionally my does won't make a nest oranything until like 10 minutes before they give birth. Talk about lastminute. I had one doe whom I thought wasn't goign to have them. Nonest, nothin'. It was day 32 and I figured well maybe she just hadn'ttook.

My family all went over grammy's to say hia nd my perants left before Idid and went home and Erron and I stayed for a bit longer. We gte aphone call about an hour later from my dad saying my rabbit in thebasement was having babies all over the place. So I rushed home....shestill hadn't made a nest, so mum put some of that shredded cardboardbedding in a litterbox and put the babiesi n there. There were 7 ofthem.
We have three cavy sows due anytime now. Probably around March 5-9th.

Once we had a accidental cavy litter... Casper's cage was out ofcreative cubes with those *awful* connectors... well it wasn't verystable at the connector part... I had a friend over and it was July, wewere swimming. We dried off some and then I went to check on thepigs... and I saw Casper in my Coronets' cage! I didn't think RazzleDazzle would be pregnant nor her mom, so I just moved Casper to a newcage... a few months later I could feel lumps (beginning of pups) inher womb, and just knew she was pregnant. October 5 she has threecuties! We ended up selling them, since it was a shorthaired dad X alonghaired mother. But really, I'm kind of glad it happened, since Irealized how great of a mom Razzle Dazzle was, so I ended up keepingher for my Coronet program. She is due anytime now.

Two sows went into breeding Feb. 24, so should have pups around May, or so. I'll have to count it.
