maomaochiu has been a GOOG boy !!!!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2006
Reaction score
Southern, Illinois, USA
:bunnydance:I've posted about my bunny maomaochiu spraying pee. well, he was doing that for like 10 days, and then from last saturday, he started to behave again. hasn't sprayeed pee anywhere yet and has been very goodusing his litter box for both poopoo and peepee :D i don't know what made him do that. it's like he had a switch in his mind and all of a sudden, he decided to be a GOOD boy again!

so this got me think again about whether to neuter him. as you know, i've been very reluctant to do that to him, and i was just wondering if anyone has similar expereinces with their bunnies? do you think it would be all sweet from now on? that would be super!!!!
I only know from my experience with my 3 boys, but I would neuter him anyway.

Its up to you, you could wait and see how his behavior progresses. He is still young. However, in my experience, my rabbits were soo much more well behaved after the surgery. He might start acting out again as he enters his teenage years..and neutering mighthelp to prevent that. Again, up to you, but in my opinion Iwould have it done.

thanks for your reply! someone please educate me about the different stages of maomaochiu. he is about 4.5 months old now, and i thought he already enterd his teenage years since he has shown signs of sexual behaviors? anyways, how would you classifybaby, teenager, adult, and senior citizen in a rabbit? also, i've been curious to know of some other questions:

1) when will maomaochiu stop growing?

2) when should i start limiting his food? now he has free access to a buffet 24/7.

3) what is the normal weight for a rabbit like maomaochiu in his different stages?

4) will he have a big doelap underneath his chin?

5) is maomaochiu a golden palimino?

thank you so very much for your attention and help!

ps, i have not figured out how to attach multiple pictures in one post, so please excuse me if i post more of his pics in the following posts. but on the other hand, i thought it would not hurt if you check out his pics :D


Ooops! did i misspell GOOD as GOOG? i mean maomaochiu has been a GOOD boy!!! i must have been trading too many of google's stocks :D .....not really. 1 share of google can actually buy me lots and lots and lots and lots of bunny food and bunny hay and bunny litter and bunny this and bunny that. won't trade it for anything else :bunnydance:

would someone please entertain some of my questions? pick whichever one you like to address! thanks a bunch!


ps, maomaochiu was pissed off at me in the following pic because i probably took too many of his pics. also, in the picture, you can see that i did not put the sand paper on his ramp yet, i later on added that in there.
maomaochiu wrote:
thanks for your reply! someone please educate me about the different stages of maomaochiu. he is about 4.5 months old now, and i thought he already enterd his teenage years since he has shown signs of sexual behaviors? anyways, how would you classifybaby, teenager, adult, and senior citizen in a rabbit? also, i've been curious to know of some other questions:

2) when should i start limiting his food? now he has free access to a buffet 24/7.

4) will he have a big doelap underneath his chin?
Yay! Glad to see more pics of this little guy! I guess I was thinking he was only a few months. Hes getting bigger! I dont know what breed he is, or how big they get, but most rabbits are fully grown between 9 and 12 months.

I'll try to answer a few of your questions....I would say a "baby" is from birth to maybe 6-8 weeks, "Teenager" would be from about 8 wks to 1 year or a little older. Then "young adult", then "mature adult"or "elderly". Thats about how I think of it. I dont know how accurate I am though :)

On your food question, heres a great link: It gives you a guideline for feeding pellets, veggies, hay etc based on age. It varies from rabbit to rabbit, but this will help give you some idea.

With regards to the Dewlap, as far as I know he should not develop one. Its mostly seen in females. Although, my two boys are getting pudgy and they each have a tiny one. But its mainly seen in girls.

Hope this helps a bit! Love the new pics~!

thanks a lot, Haley! the link is great! and it acutally talks about the different stages of a rabbit's life too. thank you so much!! I guess until maomaochiu reaches 7 months, he can still has unlimited access to the grand buffet 24/7:D i'm feeling jealous......
good morning,

i've been dosing some research on the internet trying to find answers for my 5 questions. i think i've got them nailed except No.3 and 5. would someone please help me out?

3) what is the normal weight for a rabbit like maomaochiu in his different stages?

5) is maomaochiu a golden palimino? or some other breed? of a little bit of everything?



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