Hey everyone...I hope your weeknds were lovelyand very fatteningheheh/themes/default/cooking.gifWellour little babies are going to the vet on Thursday and I was justwondering based on teh iffy vet posts that have been on here what Ishould be expecting. How do I tel if teh vet knows his stuff? And whatdo I do if he doesn't? Do I have to pay? ANd I know I asked thisearlier but we are limited by transport so the only way to get therefor us is the bus (luckily its only one bus though!). I hope Honey Bunand Cooper won't be too stressed cause I'm scared that they are justgoing to come home and be in shock. Man do I feel like a big wimpyconcerned mom already! LOLOK and nextquestion. Our babies are doing good but I was just wondering if itsnormal for the bunnies to pee on you? Does that mean they are finallygetting comfy? We let them run around in their play pen at least acouple of hours a day but then we also let them sit on the couch orwhatever with us for an hourish but that always seems to involve thebig peeing adventure and even tonight with towels on our laps theymanaged to 'get us'. LOL its actually quite funny...I think they aresaying "thank you for treating us so well, so here we will sharesomething with you!" lol I really don'tmind it because pee is washableand liveable, I would much rather know my babies are happy and healthy(the latter we will find out on Thurs.). Has anyone had experience withthis? Other than litter training them is there anything else to do? Weplan to train them when they are a bit older so they don't feel likethey are bad if the don't do it.Ok Iwant to add something too. I work at a health food store and thisrepresentative from a company came to hand out samples and demo somethings and she started talking to me about this Silver Solutions andhow it can help almost everything. Well at first I thought she was justseeling me something but then she said how it is sfe to use with petsand how it can heal infections, cuts, mites, and all that stuff...theycan take it internally or externally too. has anyone heard anythingabout that? I wanted to get it cause it sounds like something thatshould be in every rabbit owners cupboards but i would hate to be theone to test this out with my sweetheart. Has anyone heard of anyproduct like this and has anyone even usedit?Well I guess I have wrote quiteenough so any help ANY of you have would be great and thanks inadvanced!!!!