Hello, I am new to this site and also quite a new rabbit owner!
I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me with this situation I am in.
Basically, my rabbit has mange (mites right?) and it is looking very bad. I work in a vet clinic and had him brought in by my brother. They gave him an injection of that ivermectin I believe and was told it would need 4-5 shots of it weekly. (Next one is Monday). I feel like since he was last in, it has gotten worse. Worse to the point where he doesn't even move anymore. He just sits there and I have to 'self-feed' him. His paws are all thickly crusted and the back hind-legs are now red raw.
I feel very sad about it because we love him so much and obviously he looks in pain. Any hopping looks like just a big limp and he never puts pressure on the front two.
I have read that cooking oil dabbed on to his paws is suppose to help but I am not so sure. I have seen its very very slightly starting to go on to his nose and also on both of his ears.
What can I do as a 'home remedy' to help my rabbit and with these injections, I am told it kills the mites once it goes through a full course but does this make the rabbit not immune but mite free? What about the food, do the mites get onto the fresh vegetables and then once eaten effect the bunny from inside? With the mites we must have to clean the cage everyday or not that much? Even holding the rabbit is uncomfortable for him and also, sadly myself and brother are quite itchy later on as its evident the mites then come on us. That isn't much of an issue though because its only a day or two and they go.
At the end of the day, I just want my rabbit to get better, the crusted paws to return to how they were and for my bunny to be better. I am told it could take up to 2-3 months for that to come in to fruition but its just the thought of it not getting better and then having it get even worse.
Any help will be SO much appreciated and also any remedies I could do myself at home would be of great help. I am told stronghold/revolution helps too? (I know about frontline, I wont use it).
Thanks again.
I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me with this situation I am in.
Basically, my rabbit has mange (mites right?) and it is looking very bad. I work in a vet clinic and had him brought in by my brother. They gave him an injection of that ivermectin I believe and was told it would need 4-5 shots of it weekly. (Next one is Monday). I feel like since he was last in, it has gotten worse. Worse to the point where he doesn't even move anymore. He just sits there and I have to 'self-feed' him. His paws are all thickly crusted and the back hind-legs are now red raw.
I feel very sad about it because we love him so much and obviously he looks in pain. Any hopping looks like just a big limp and he never puts pressure on the front two.
I have read that cooking oil dabbed on to his paws is suppose to help but I am not so sure. I have seen its very very slightly starting to go on to his nose and also on both of his ears.
What can I do as a 'home remedy' to help my rabbit and with these injections, I am told it kills the mites once it goes through a full course but does this make the rabbit not immune but mite free? What about the food, do the mites get onto the fresh vegetables and then once eaten effect the bunny from inside? With the mites we must have to clean the cage everyday or not that much? Even holding the rabbit is uncomfortable for him and also, sadly myself and brother are quite itchy later on as its evident the mites then come on us. That isn't much of an issue though because its only a day or two and they go.
At the end of the day, I just want my rabbit to get better, the crusted paws to return to how they were and for my bunny to be better. I am told it could take up to 2-3 months for that to come in to fruition but its just the thought of it not getting better and then having it get even worse.
Any help will be SO much appreciated and also any remedies I could do myself at home would be of great help. I am told stronghold/revolution helps too? (I know about frontline, I wont use it).
Thanks again.