Mammit the foster

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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
, Michigan, USA
when Christine called out for help with bunnies in michigan, i jumped right on board

the rescue thread:

well, after talking with my roommate, who was all for helping (and i figured was pointless to refuse me to bring home another rabbit) said sure, even offering to have his cage in her bedroom.

well, here is his petfinder photo:


his name is mammit, isn't he just the cutest?? once he gets settled in here he is going straight for a fixing so i don't have male bunny roaming the house!

i figured i would start a thread for him so you all can see him progress on becoming a true 'troll' bunny (btw, for any non-michigan members, a 'troll' are people who live under the Mackinaw bridge, mostly those that are in northern lower michigan).

anyway, i was suppose to pick him up today in muskegon, but i had a few health issues come up and won't be able to make it untill tomorrow!
What a handsome, adorable hunk of man bunny! He's so cute, I love him... Can't wait to hear more about him!
Haley wrote:
Hes so cute- he reminds me so much of Max 2.0.

Youre gonna fall in love with him Katt! ;)

haley, you know me way to well, i have a big feeling that i will fall for him too!

anyway, i am going to go shower right now, then i am off!!!! wish me well!

i am just hoping that all goes well with this meet-up! i haven't been able to get christine on the phone so far! and she isn't online right now!

we will pray that my 3-hour drive isn't wasted!!! i doubt it will be, but we will stay hope it isn't!

anyway, i am packing up fun stuff to do on the wait, it is like fate that on the weekend we wanted to meet up the weather is wonderfull out!

anyway, i will have updates when i am down there and the computer is comming with me!

talk to you all on the flip side!
Oh and Im probably coming to TC this week- I'll let you know what day and maybe I can stop out and see you and Winnie and meet the new buns!
Well, its me Christine here....I am soooo sad to see Mammit go but there is YET ANOTHER BUNNY at the Musk.Humane Society...GOLL!!!! I went there yesterday to rescue a dog named Ladybug-she/her life was in GREAT danger being there- they did not "like" her (so unfair)- she is adoptable and pictured at my petfinder site, please understand I am so frustrated with people right now!!! AND at the same time so VERY thankful for YOU people....The frustration comes because
I was just sent an email about a lady with bunnys born and available to adopt now and she is expecting more "just in time for Easter"...I almost did a backflip literally and sent her a very "informative" email about "Make mine Chocolate" and some of the reasons why NOT to allow more bunnies to be born-AND- I offered her help in getting her bunnies fixed ASAP!! I can only hope to hear back from her. Gosh and I want to insert more pictures of Mammit here but my camera phone will not turn on and I have not figured out why yet.
Oh you guys, I am so thankful for having found RabbitsOnline and have told so many people about you all. Katt will be at the college here in Muskegon to pick up little Mammit today at 3....OH and I better get back busy with chores...I just want to say HI to all and BUNNY NOSE BUMPS TO YOU TOO::))(I LOVE bunny nose bumps)
Sincerely, Christine and all the beloved Critters at the Cafe
PS. I got an email from Tessa about Emma and Chester-AND pictures...They are doing great you guys...
well, i am home and all settled in.

how cute is this bun! oh my, he is soo sweet!

i have him tucked into my roommates bedroom right now, as winnie is less then thrilled at the new arrival. i guess that is what happens when you bring an unfixed buck into the house!

i will maybe take some photos tonight, he is a little freaked right now, but settling in nicely. when i took him out of the carrier he melted right into my lap!

anyways, just wanted to update!

ps-sorry christine for not calling you when i got home! i forgot!
I will NEVER get use to any bunnys' leaving and it hurts me so badly. Katt came today to pick up little beloved Mammit...though he isnt so little anymore...Mammit has gained over 1 and 3/4 pounds since his arrival and come along way but somehow I think that little guy always was a precious bunny inside(of that I am sure)! Katt is a beautiful young bunny loving happy and just a sweet and nice person, TRUELY! I am so grateful to have met her ...along with ALL YOU RO people as well...
There is yet another little white bun at the HumaneSociety here...I am just sick about it and somehow will try to get word out about what a killing machine the place is...and hopefully people figure out they need to STOP bringing buns(and guineas and birds etc) there at all! I will also find a way to get that bunny OUT of there ASAP!
I tried so hard to keep it togther knowing little Mammit is in and will be in good hands...but I have such a hard time! I had a puppy adoption to do after dropping Mammit to Katt and by the time I got face was full of "welt from tears" and I just cannot help it!
Well, thats my update....and too, Tessa wrote about Emma and Chester who are doing so very well you guys!!! I am still SO SAD about them leaving...GEESE! What a BABY I AM!!! GOLL
That was Mammit (when he was)still in jail though he did nothing to deserve it...where the little white nameless one is still sadly lodged...See the difference of Mammit's weight, fur base and spirit(in his eyes) though?? I hope Katt posts even more of the betterment of the little fella since coming here and getting out of that HELL- HOLE!! The vet would not neuter(OR use ANYTHING CHEMICAL / DRUGS on him at all) until he gained more weight insuring his very LIFE and I think he now would be ok to neuter....after the gain....Katt has a vet she trusts and will thankfully be helping this rescue to get that done and she may even have a forever home for beloved little Mammit!! A LifeCare contract to adopt will help define a good home and we always hope for that...JUST THANKS AGAIN KATT>>>>!!! Let us know how you and Mammit are, ok?
well, i just went and had a cuddle session with this guy, and oh my word, what a cuddle bug he is!

christine, i am sohappy to get the chance to live with this guy! i understand totally know why you were brought to tears over giving him over to me!

i called my roommate (who is housesitting for her boss) and was telling her all about him and she just kept on saying "oh, i wish i was home so i could meet him!"

okay, now for some photos!!!!


"hmm. . . were am i??"


"hi, my name is mammit! i am a lop!"


"and this is my hay"


"and this is my nice bed. . . uh, i mean litterbox"


"oh, my it has been a long day, maybe just a little nap"







let me tell you, what a ham. he didn't even wake up when i stood up, closed the cage, turned off the light and left the room, just kept right on sleeping!
Oh My Gosh Katt he's so handsome. Are you thinking of keeping him???

I love his colouring too. He's one lucky bpy.

Aww he's awesome! Good work guys!

Do we think he's a German Lop? He looks like Max and thats what he is. Im bad with breed though (especially lops lol).

I want to come meet him this week!
I am back to and FULL of tears looking at the pictures posted of Mammit....He is such

a nice bunny and I love him so very much....I am so thankful he is not in jail anymore

you guys-I am so very thankful... that he was not put down!! Without ALL OF

YOUR HELP, including the transport getting Emma and Chessy to Minnesota and

Jill(who never had a bunny before) allowing Mammit to be at her home temporarily

until room was made for him here(ie the "safehouse") I would never have been able

to pull this off without ALL of your help (I know I sound like a broken record but it

feels like my mere words are just not enough for the thanks I want to make sure you

ALL KNOW that I TRUELY FEEL)!! Katt has even offered to help(with the cost)to fix

Mammit ....You guys I am far from rich and have so many things going on with so

many animals that I (have to)welcome the help and, am also, for that, so very VERY

grateful.....The fact being there are no clinic's to help with the cost to fix bunnys

makes it very hard (and costly) to continue when there are just so many bunnys in

need of rescue and vetting...All the help though from you all, will allow me to go

forward and get the little white(Netherland dwarf??we think)out of the Humane

Society before anything happens... AND... the emotional "LIFT" is so helpful to me

too!!! If you think it YOU BRING IT(my daughter says) and all you positive bunny

loving people have been bringing NOTHING but "LETS DO IT" attitude to me!!! Ok, so

again, ALL MY THANKS...Keep the pictures coming because even though they make

me cry and make me sad and make me so miss Mammit, I know he is in safe and

good hands ...I know that yet another bunny is right behind him in need...I know I

must dust myself off-wipe away my tears , take a shower and GET OUT THERE to

help!!! Sincerely, Christine and all the beloved Critters at the Cafe

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