mama needs a chill pill

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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2011
Reaction score
Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Josephine who is probably close to 5 months old and has a litter of 7 3 week old babies seems very nervous and jumpy every time I walk into the room. She is perfectly safe from danger in a room in my house. Is there anything I can do to calm her?
Shes very young to be a momma. Did she act like this before she had a litter? Oh and how long have you had her?
I got her January 4th and they said she was 10 weeks old then. I don't believe that. She had babies on January 29th. Before she had the litter she was pretty calm and was really being accustomed to living here. I think the babies are getting on her last nerve.
I have one californian doe who is a CRAZY protective mother. She gets nervous anytime I try to come near her, but before then was fine. She grunts at me and smacks at me with her front paws, even though the babies come right up to the cage (since they've been handled so much). My other does could care less if I come in and mess with their babies. SO, I think part of it is just that some does are worrisome mothers. Just do you best to not stress her out... I try to always give my doe a little hay or something that she likes when I go in, so she doesn't always think I'm trying to harm her babies.

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