Male rabbit suddenly starting to get nasty

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Jun 5, 2010
Reaction score
, Prince Edward Island, Canada
My first bunny named Cadbury is a petstore bunny who was about 10 weeks old when I got him in April and I first chose him because he was the friendliest and would let you touch him a bit while most would shy away. He IS a male I sexed him myself...since the petstore said they did not know how to tell. He is my first bunny so I was pleased with him letting me touch him a lot right away. He HATES being picked up though and always kicked even though I am gentle.

Now though he is starting to bite me really hard when he comes near me and more aggressive when being picked up...he was litter trained and now suddenly he is peeing stinky pee everywhere outside the cage and rubbing his face on everything more then usual. He lets me pet him a lot more now but he will suddenly get cranky. He also is starting to mount my chinchilla if they are out I have to keep him away from her because she dislikes that. I am wondering if it is territorial behaviour now? or do you all think this means it is time for him to go to the vet to be fixed. I am not sure how to tell with bunnies but his behaviour just snapped and now he is odd. I checked and I did not see and testes yet but I am not that experienced to tell. Or do you think he is just going to be a grumpy bunny :(

thanks for all your help!:innocent
It does sound hormonal and he is around that age. The strong smelling urine is a big indicator along with his personality changes. My 3 month old just dropped his testicles. His personality hasn't really changed drastically like it can with other bun's, but his urine now has a strong odor. If his testicles haven't dropped then he shouldn't be neutered until they do. If you are having a hard time figuring out if they have then I would recommend getting help from your vet, rabbit rescue, or breeder. Basically someone that is very knowledgeable and could help ya out. It can be tricky sometimes.

The smell and no longer existing litter box habits should improve after the neuter. Don't expect an immediate difference though because it takes a while for the hormones to die down. Also sperm is viable up to 3 weeks after the neuter, another thing to keep in mind.
Definitely time for a neuter! And continue to keep your chinchilla away from him, I wouldn't want them to hurt each other :(
Yea they usually don't go near each other while playing in my large dinning room but now he decided he has a crush on her :shock: LOL I keep them away from each other now because my chinchilla doesn't like to be bothered much while exploring and he weighs a good 2 or 3 lbs more then her if he tries to mount her again. So they get separate play times now since that one time of him trying to do that and continuing to follow her. :rollseyes *sigh*

Thanks for the info :wink
Thanks everyone! I think I will take him to the vet and see what is going on maturity wise, perhaps I can get him fixed soon :) I am glad that it probably isn't him disliking me as an owner lol I was paranoid I try to give him lots of outside time running, veggies, I pet him often and take him outside on the leash :) Being a new rabbit owner can be confusing lol.

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