Well-Known Member
Good morning,
my beloved boy bun maomaochiu loves to spray pee on me nowadays,yuk,...... but i've found that whenever my bf is around, he would stopdoing that. would it be possible that he thinks my bf is thealpha bun (top bunny), and he actually has to behave when bf isaround??? but whenever bf is not here, he feels like the needto campaign for the top spot and pee on me??? has anyone had thishappend to you before??? just want to get into his littlebunny mind and figure out what he is thinking
my beloved boy bun maomaochiu loves to spray pee on me nowadays,yuk,...... but i've found that whenever my bf is around, he would stopdoing that. would it be possible that he thinks my bf is thealpha bun (top bunny), and he actually has to behave when bf isaround??? but whenever bf is not here, he feels like the needto campaign for the top spot and pee on me??? has anyone had thishappend to you before??? just want to get into his littlebunny mind and figure out what he is thinking