Male Rabbit..need cage mate?

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Sep 12, 2004
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I have a male dwarf rabbit that is approximately2-3 months old and I want to get him a cage mate. I realize you cannotput two males together, but if I get him neutured could I put him witha female without the fear of them fighting or would I have to get herspayed too? Or should I get two males both neutered? Any input with begreatly appreciated. Thanks.
<3 sarah
Buck and doe produces the most successfulbondings. Not all rabbits bond, so you might want to considerlinking to the following site to determine what is involved in bondingbunnies:

The female should be neutered as well, in the interests of good health,prevention of uterine cancer, and reduction in hormonally inducedbehaviors. Makes her easier to get along with others, humanand rabbits.

Welcome Aboard, fonzibunny!

Just thought I'd mention that all attempts at bonding aren't alwayssuccessful. Some shelters offer a 'dating service' whereasyou can bring your rabbit into the shelter and introduce your rabbit tothe potential 'adoptee' and see how they get along.Sometimes, no matter how you follow the steps in bonding, personalitiescould clash. (Not to mention that you might be ableto find a rabbit that has been spayed as it can be a very expensiveoperation.)

Rabbits don't necessarily need a companion. My two actuallyget along fine, but could be just as happy by themselves and certainlyenjoy their own space in their cage.

Also, sometimes you will compromise the relationship that you have withthe rabbit as many say that once they introduce a companion,the human notices that the rabbit isn't as loving or attentive.

Ive fallen in love with rabbits so i would likemore, and was just wondering if i put a divider in the cage if thatwould be good. the cage is about 4-5 feet long.what do you think?

<3 sarah

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