male or female???

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Feb 14, 2006
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I'm a bit confused on the sex of my holland lop. WHen i first got her the store sexed her and told me she thinks she's a female . So i've been under the assumption she's a female but after a year and a half im not so sure anymore because when we go near her cage she starts humping her tube in the cage. Any advice would be appreciated. Is humping something females do as well? and would neutering for male or spaying for a female calm her down???

Like Ellie said, you'll know if she's a he because those testicles are quite obvious ;) I remember I thought that my Scruffy years back was a girl - I got back from my summer holiday, picked him up for a cuddle and was very quickly corrected!

My Thistle's a girl, and I caught her trying to hump Heather the other day. They do it as a sign of dominance over each other.
I no this may sound a bit silly , but the way that i noticed mi rabbit woz a girl was because when i picked her up i could feel the things that they feed there babys on ( not sure wot there called ) under her belly . As for anything else im not relli sure . Sorri if that doesnt help much
Males will have nipples too, just like human males have nipples. Pick her up and look between her hind legs. You should see testicles if they are there, although a frightened rabbit can pull the testicles up into his body.

Females do mount for dominance and because they are frustrated. Spaying her would help calm her a lot, and neutering would help calm down a male. Spaying is also important for girls because it prevents uterine tumors, which are surprisingly common.

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