male anatomy

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Aug 20, 2008
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so i rescused a bunny today, a mini rex. my dwarf now has a playmate. they are not taking any agressive stances toward eachother. but like males they are trying to see who is the dominate one... so they are....showing affection... so i was letting it go on for a few seconds and would sepperate... it slowed down but hasnt completely stoped. but now my dwarf's "excited male anatomy" wont go away... he just runs around and is completely normal other wise.

both buns are fixed. and im just curious if this is normal. however on a good note im glad they get along decently for new buns!!!

Just a quick question ..are you sure they are not male- female and not male -male. ?
if you have 2 neutered males bonding easily you are lucky
angieluv wrote:
I would say that is normal..even when they are fixed they still act like that .... at least mine do :p

its not the humping part... its his erection that wont go away.... and yes both are males. i saw both their parts....

and yes im glad they are getting along well so far:)
evidently hair can get caught in the sheeth and can keep it engorgerd. sure enough... but hes a lil swollen and we trimed his hair back and keep and eye on him... keep posted!!!
I never heard of that happening

thanks for taking care of him so quickly

we'll have to remember that this can occur in the future
I'm glad tht he is OK now.;)
inm glad he is ok! im gettin double lucky tho. with this, and how quickly they are bonding! day 2 and they eat together and stay fairly close... i have seen some slight grooming but nothin major as of yet.

oh and if anyone ever has a question they need awnsered quick try using the ask yahoo part. i had a great response in a matter of minuets and was perfect!!!

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