Maisy Has Lost Weight

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May 27, 2011
Reaction score
Tasmania, , Australia

My bunny is 14 weeks old, she is a dutch cross and her name is Maisy Today I was patting her and I noticed that her hips and ribs were sticking out a lot more than normal I did some research and I found something that said it might be worms so I have wormed her now. I have brought her some pellets to help her gain some weight and I am giving her more fruit than normal, I know too much is not good but I read that the sugar in the fruit fattens them which is exactly what she needs. I have checked her front teeth and they seem fine, not overgrown or anything.

Does anybody have any idea of what else it could be? I am stressing out so much because I havent had the best of luck with rabbits in the past and I dont want to lose her!

Please help


Extra Info:
She weighs 360 grams (is this normal?)
She lives outside (could the cold be affecting her)
She has started molting (does this have anything to do with the weight loss?)
She is still eating but she seems a bit lethargic today. have started feeding her pellets along with her normal food (oaten chaff, lucerne chaff etc) she also gets plenty of fresh hay and grass and constantly has water.
If you dewormed her wait and see if that helps her and she starts to gain weight naturally
Don't give her fruit as that will cause nothing but GI disturbances from the sugar. Rabbits can only tolerate very small amount of fruits anyway

Give her good quality hay and at that age she can still have alfalfa hay and also be free fed pellets.
let the deworming have a chance to work and if that is not the issue then move on from there

Don't make any abrupt changes in her food but make the changes very slowly ; any abrupt change will bring on GI disturbances which is the last thing that you want

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