Maisie's still growing like crazy...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
How old will Maisie be when she'sfull-grown? I may be insane, but I thought after threemonths, the growing would slow, but it seems to still be going asquickly as it was. She's getting BIG...and FAST!!

Can anyone tell me what the normal growth pattern, ages and gendersincluded? My babe gets very noticably bigger'scrazy!!

Thanks, guys!! :D
Most rabbits are done growing by the end oftheir first year. The smaller breeds stop growingsooner. Mocha, who's about 2 lbs, stopped growing when shewas about 5 months old. Then she had a "fill out" stage a fewmonths later where she got more round but still felt skinny- just achange in her body shape.
I've noticed that about Maisie,too. She grows long, then wide, and so on. I keepwondering if Maisie's going to outgrow her mama (who is about a footlong, though I don't know the weight). Actually, when I thinkabout it, she already has. Her cage panels are 14.5" square,and she's just about the same length. Wow...didn't thinkabout that before. My baby's outgrown her mama! I'm REALLY wondering how big she'll be!!SHEESH!! :shock::shock: Slow down, Hun, I'm tryin'to catch up!! Lol...

naturestee wrote:
Most rabbits are donegrowing by the end of their first year. The smaller breedsstop growing sooner. Mocha, who's about 2 lbs, stoppedgrowing when she was about 5 months old. Then she had a "fillout" stage a few months later where she got more round but still feltskinny- just a change in her body shape.

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