Made a base plan for NIC cage

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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2013
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Hey guys, So im looking into building my FIRST NIC condo... I made up this plan to see if it would work out alright.
Looking for some opionions, Marci is only in here cage for sleeping hours (8) a day and spends the rest of the day roaming the house.

I can not tell much from that diagram (it does not make since to me) but I think I was able to gather that it is 5x3 grids. Is that correct? If so it is PLENTY big enough. My girls each have a 2x4x2 NIC cage and have more room than they know what to do with. Heck, half the time they do not want to come out of it.
Yeah now that i look at it i can tell its confusing! haha
I might see about downsizing the amount of room. I did not mind about size much beacause the house we are looking to move into has 2 florida rooms with plenty of space for them.
Right now im just going to attempt the base of the cage, Im sure they dont need alot of levels beacause they are free roaming rabbits.
actually, if they're free-roaming, I would say they definitely need levels - what they don't really need is a significant amount of floor-space on each level, because they can do their running around outside of the condo.

the main perk of a condo with free-range bunnies is that they love to be up high (in the wild, they seek out high spots when they're out foraging/not in their underground warrens because it gives them the best view of any approaching predators). because they don't have an underground warren built into my living room (obviously :p), my bunnies opt to do the vast majority of their sleeping on the top floor of their condo, which is a 3.5' off the ground.

the only time my girls are ever locked up in their condo is when I'm deep-cleaning their run and need them out of the way for a short period of time (so maybe half an hour a month) - their condo has a permanent run attached, which is 120+ square feet (ie 80-90% of my living room). with all that run space available 24/7, they still have a deep appreciation for the condo, because it's their "safe place" and it allows them to perch in the highest spot in the room. I have a 2Wx3Lx5H (in grid-lengths) 3-story condo for them - the small footprint allows it to take up very little space, maximizing the area they have to run around in while still providing them levels to climb on:

Thats awesome! I actually have a bun Stanley who was not socialized well, I wanted to build a good cage for him beacause he never wants to really be out of his cage much. Im thinking of doing a large one such as this for him and marci, but i will need 2 seprate ones beacause they are not bonded and he has not been neuterd yet..
if you have two unbonded bunns, you might consider stealing Idoerr's cage design - it's 2Wx4Lx4H and divided in half horizontally so that each bunn has a 2x4x2 with most of a second level in it.
I still have not gotten pictures of the cage but will try to sometime. It is working out very well. The rabbits LOVE it. Beauty spends most of her time on the shelf and Shiny Things goes all over. They have lots of room to run and hop in their cage and it does not take up a huge amount of floor space (I have a 1bdrm apt with 2 rabbits, 1 cat and 3 aquariums and a dog that visits 1week a month). Like Jennifer said it is a 2x4x4 with each rabbit having a 2x4x2 cage. The cage is designed for when (and if) the bunnies are bonded again that I can convert the 2 cages into 1 huge cage in under 5 minutes (just cut a couple of zip ties, fold a section of the floor under the other part of the floor, attach and the cage is 1 huge one). I use this supper thin plywood (1/8") and covered it in vinyl fabric that you get at walmart for $4.50 for the floors for the 2 cages. I used the same wood and cut it to form shelves and then covered them with fleece. The cage is easy to clean and provides LOTS of space for the rabbits. I also built a ramp to the top cage so that Shiny Things could come and go on her own when allowed free run time.
Thanks for all the advice! i DEF love the 5 story cage, I am planning to get it up to AT THE LEAST 2 and 1/2 levels. Im making stans cage first He has never been spoiled like marci was beacause i was very un educated when i got him (Please do a ton of research before getting a rabbit). I set my buget at 150 so i hope i can get it done for that beacause the shoppinh starts tomorrow!!!
The ramp to go up 2 grids is over 5 ft long. I have it so that it easily hooks onto the cage and just as easily comes off the cage so that I can store it next to the cage. I used something like this but MUCH smaller and cheaper eye hooks.
O and you should EASILY be able to build a NICE BIG cage for under $150. I got the grids at sears (2 packs but already had 2 packs) (I used a total of 83 pannels for my cage). I got 2 pieces of 4'x8' wood at lows for ~$10 each. I also got zip ties at lows (and had some already at home). You will need 300-500+ for the cage. I got some dog leash clips to use as door latches (~$2 each). Something I did not realize that I would need but ended up needing 4 of was shelf supports and roof/floor supports. My dad had wood that worked for that that I used. He also had the wood that I made the ramp out of. I have found the cheapest (and most convienient for me) place to get fleece at is walgreens. They have 50"x60" fleece blankets for $4.50 regularly but are on sale now for like 1/2 off.

Hope that this helps a little. If you have any questions let me know and I will be happy to help.
I went to lowes today and got overwhelmed so i came home to regroup my thoughts! Wondering if its better to just buy a nice hutch from online lol!

My husband is going to help me out more with a design this weekend, Gosh i just want him out of this small cage, hes been in there to long and my heart is breaking for him...
Size wise it is big enough. My concern with it is that there is very little room for him to stand up and stretch. Length and width look good though. If you give him lots of time outside of his cage each day or have an x-pen attached to the cage it would work out very well I think. That is a REALLY good price for those btw. :)
After his neuter in early feb he will be only using it to sleep, I love those beacause you can always buy a space add on to add more running room or ever connect another whole new hutch... I went ahead and got it. Could not pass up that price more than 50 percent less than petsmart price! I will be sure to buy him a add on for more space.... this little bun deserves whatever he wants... god, i beat myself up everyday for being so inexperinced when i got him =[

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