Well-Known Member
Jan (Luvabun),one of my very favouriteposters,was vacationing in the area and staying just a coupleof blocks away.
She and John dropped by for abunny fix! (Well, Jan needed the bunny fix, I think poor Johnwas just along for the ride. I'm sure we bored him to tears!)
She's even more awesome in person! She's absolutely wonderful!
As usual, it was chaos.
I had gotten a baleofhay (thanksDawn!!)in a big tubthistime, and I started movingthings around to tryand accommodate it -- including the bunnies' play area - and boy werethey mad about that! I had also spotted more flearesidue onone of thecats andon Pipp, sothe day was spent overhauling the place and vacuuming everyinch.
I'm sureI looked a fright (and probably didn't smell so goodeither). And while there wasn't a spec of dust to be had inthe livingroom (hadn't gotten any further than that),the samecouldn't be said for indignant, territorial bunny poops. Andmy roomwas it's own disaster afterinitially tryingto store the hay in there which failed spectacularly!Although that turned out to be a good thing -- it appearsthatPipp, who won't touch hay in her haybin,litterpan or play boxwill pick it up off thefloor.
So of course I wasn't going to mess withthat! (My room isnow destined tolook likea barn all the time, not just most of the time).Anyhoo, it was so nice to have bunny people visiting who knew all abouthay, barns and bunny poop!
Both Dill and Sherry LOVED Jan! I've never seen them stick that closeto anyone before. :inlove:
A bit of extra excitement: I was showing off the backroombunnies -- Darry and Radar -- and had the door open going outside ontothe very small porch when Jan yelled, 'Look! A raccoon!' Iturned expecting to see a raccoon in the yard -- we had been lookingout a few minutes earlier to see if the skunks that hang out there werearound-- but the raccoon was on the railing of the porch, notthe yard.:shock: It was maybe three feetaway! I tried to shoo her away, but she didn't go veryfar. Turns out her kit was on the overhang over theporch. They sat there chirpingat each other beforeshe climbed back up on the railing and onto the overhang with thekit.
I guess no more leaving the door open for the bunnies! (Iusually have it open in the day and close it at night, but I have beenknown to forget).
I'm pretty sure the raccoon is the one that used to live in the yard,but I hadn't seen her all year. She's actually pretty sweet-- she had four kits a few years back and I was trying to see whatthey'd eat -- they kept taking stuff out of my hand, they'd turn itover and over and then toss it aside and see what else Ihad. (They didn't like anything -- I tried allkinds of fruits, veggies and even a piece of salmon -- nada!) Anyhoo, 'mom' was sitting a few feet away watching allthis,a bit nervous because the kits were so close tome. She came over and gave my outstretched handthegentlest ofnips -- no pressureor teeth oranything.
This time around I thought she had evil designs on my bunnies, but Ireally think she was just trying to get to herkit -- who wasabout half grown and, as usual, pretty fearless -- although lookinglike he wanted his mom! Still, with all the stories aboutraccoons and bunnies, don't think I'll trust them. At all.
Too bad we missed the skunksevening stroll through theyard-- three of them come ambling through at the same timeevery evening --but it was nice oftheraccoonsto putona wildlifeshowfor the tourists.
Must say that Darry wasn't impressed.:biggrin She headedunder her 'hideaboard' and thumped! Radar seemed totallyoblivious.:whatevah But that's typical.
All in all it was a lovely visit. Jan and John,that is. Although the raccoons were lovely too(exceptfor the bunny issue).
I'll post this in the forum for now, and transfer it to my blog a little later.
and thebunnies, cats, coons,skunks and fleas (RIP)
She's even more awesome in person! She's absolutely wonderful!
As usual, it was chaos.
I'm sureI looked a fright (and probably didn't smell so goodeither). And while there wasn't a spec of dust to be had inthe livingroom (hadn't gotten any further than that),the samecouldn't be said for indignant, territorial bunny poops. Andmy roomwas it's own disaster afterinitially tryingto store the hay in there which failed spectacularly!Although that turned out to be a good thing -- it appearsthatPipp, who won't touch hay in her haybin,litterpan or play boxwill pick it up off thefloor.
Both Dill and Sherry LOVED Jan! I've never seen them stick that closeto anyone before. :inlove:
A bit of extra excitement: I was showing off the backroombunnies -- Darry and Radar -- and had the door open going outside ontothe very small porch when Jan yelled, 'Look! A raccoon!' Iturned expecting to see a raccoon in the yard -- we had been lookingout a few minutes earlier to see if the skunks that hang out there werearound-- but the raccoon was on the railing of the porch, notthe yard.:shock: It was maybe three feetaway! I tried to shoo her away, but she didn't go veryfar. Turns out her kit was on the overhang over theporch. They sat there chirpingat each other beforeshe climbed back up on the railing and onto the overhang with thekit.
I guess no more leaving the door open for the bunnies! (Iusually have it open in the day and close it at night, but I have beenknown to forget).
I'm pretty sure the raccoon is the one that used to live in the yard,but I hadn't seen her all year. She's actually pretty sweet-- she had four kits a few years back and I was trying to see whatthey'd eat -- they kept taking stuff out of my hand, they'd turn itover and over and then toss it aside and see what else Ihad. (They didn't like anything -- I tried allkinds of fruits, veggies and even a piece of salmon -- nada!) Anyhoo, 'mom' was sitting a few feet away watching allthis,a bit nervous because the kits were so close tome. She came over and gave my outstretched handthegentlest ofnips -- no pressureor teeth oranything.
This time around I thought she had evil designs on my bunnies, but Ireally think she was just trying to get to herkit -- who wasabout half grown and, as usual, pretty fearless -- although lookinglike he wanted his mom! Still, with all the stories aboutraccoons and bunnies, don't think I'll trust them. At all.
Too bad we missed the skunksevening stroll through theyard-- three of them come ambling through at the same timeevery evening --but it was nice oftheraccoonsto putona wildlifeshowfor the tourists.
Must say that Darry wasn't impressed.:biggrin She headedunder her 'hideaboard' and thumped! Radar seemed totallyoblivious.:whatevah But that's typical.
All in all it was a lovely visit. Jan and John,that is. Although the raccoons were lovely too(exceptfor the bunny issue).
I'll post this in the forum for now, and transfer it to my blog a little later.