lucy still hasnt

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
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NEWCASTLE, , United Kingdom
had her nail's trimmed at the vets

i mention it everytime she's there but they say no there fine

its just we got her when she was 2 months old and shes now 10 months old

lovabun jan came to the house to see her and said they looked abitsharp but would that cause her any problems and how do u no if yourbunnnys feet need clipping when she hates to be picked up

varna xxxx
With my bun, her nails start getting too sharp& long about every 1 1/2 or 2 months after getting themtrimmed.
i usually trim bout every couple months or monthand if they look pretty long and sharp i'd trim them,but trim themabove the quick(red mark), i know when i first got my bun it never hitme to trim his nails for some reason and one nail got really long andstarted to curl it looked like so now i trim them all the time, butreally only cut off the very tip (sharp part)
You trip them above the quick? Youdon't trim into the quick, right? It sounds like you're doinga fine job with monitoring the length of your bun's nails.
sorry i forgot to mention im actually partically sighted so

i wouldnt dair do lucys nails


as i said she doe'snt like being picked up so how would tony no


when to get them trimmed

and would i have to do trancing in the vets as ive never did it before

varna xxxx
I do my one bun's while she's standing. I justhold the paw and she tends to stay still. If she tries to get away Ijust give her a minute and try again. It can take a while but you'reonly going to be doing it once a month or so. Give it a try.
Petunia wrote:
You trip them above the quick? You don't trim intothe quick, right? It sounds like you're doing a fine job withmonitoring the length of your bun'snails.
Shuu wrote :I do myone bun's while she's standing. I just hold the paw and she tends tostay still. If she tries to get away I just give her a minute and tryagain. It can take a while but you're only going to be doing it once amonth or so. Give it a try.
cut Above the quick, if u get into the quick the nail will bleed. andwith what shuu said some people can only get 1 nail a day so it takesthem a while.
We trim nails about every 6-8 weeks depending onthe bunnie. They're all a bit different. We usually will check themevery 1-2 weeks to see how long they are.

S'more will even trim her own nails by biting them off if they begin tobother her. She was due for her last trim and we found she had alreadydone most of the front nails. She did a good job, too!

It's a two person job for us...Danielle usually will hold the bunwhilst I do the clippin'. We don't bother with the trancing. Sometimesthat can be more work for us than just making a "bunnie burrito".

And we ALWAYS use a flashlight behind the nail to help locate thequick. You can also "whittle" away a bit at a time. Keep some Q-tips, asmall cup of water, and a small container of cornstarch handy in caseyou cut the quick. Dip the Q-tip in the water, then into thecornstarch, and the apply to the injury. You can also use "QuikStop" tostop any bleeding when clipping.


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