Brushing a molting rabbit will help to removethe hair so that it isn't ingested when they groomthemselves. Feeding alot of good grass hay or clean strawwill help to keep the ingested hair moving through the digestive tractso it doesn't create a blockage. Molting is dictated by theenvironmental factors as well as the nutritional health of therabbit. A hot spell can put a rabbit into a molt. Arabbit that is free fed or fed a diet with more protein than itneedsis more likely to molt more often than a restricted fedrabbit.A rabbit that is free fed issupplying continual energy to the fur folicles which intice them to letgo more often. A rabbit that is restricted to just the amountof food it needs to remain healthy and a rabbit that is fed a lowerprotein food will molt less often because the energy consumed will beused for it's vital functions and maintaining bodyweight. Approx 1 month before a big show, we willslightly decrease the amount of pellets we feed our rabbits andincrease the amount of grass hay every day to help them hold their furand fleshcondition better and for longer. Myfriends that have house rabbits, have rabbits that seem toalways be in a molt because they give their rabbits all the food theywant. Not only are they always molting, they always seem tobe fat and sloppy of body condition - the couch potatoes of the rabbitworld. Then there are those rabbits thatdue to genetics, always seem to be molting.