....lastly, we have a rubber bristled brush/comb. It's similar to theZoom Groom brushes. I didn't think it was very effective for groomingthe buns. It actually works better at getting the loose fur off of myclothes.
I use these too and love it , if you have a superMolt all you need do is wet the brush and off theexcess hair goes.
I hate those wire slicker brushes , I have had themisfortune of having a rabbit jump as i was bringing it downthe rabbit and have it drive under a nail, its one of thefastest ways to get an infection I have everseen. Figured if I get indection from it then arabbit would also , maybe faster if scratched. Ihave one rabbit who when she sees one coming will just aboutfaint on me .( tosed it in the fire ).
Wet hands and a good petting do an equally good job, just makes a bit of mess for your hands, but the rabbits seem to like teh hands on loving .