lucy has produced quite a poop

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
Reaction score
NEWCASTLE, , United Kingdom
hi all

lucy wenrt on her tray this am and produced a poop

its quite a long one no its not like grapes its like what a cat would produce

ive baged it up to take to the vet tomorrow

varna xxxx
Hi Varna ,

sorry took so long , Soundslike it may be an especially long and largececatrope.

Sometimes they come out looking rather odd ,different , and sometimes scarey, I have gone into panic mode becauseof cecal matter that didnt lookright many times, Generally when theylook off its not a lotto worry about unless it isvery wet and runny , But may be a goodidea to have it checked none the less . better tokeep up with Lucy than to haveLucy surprise us one day .

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