Love My Buns

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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2008
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, Florida, USA
[align=center]L:carrotve My Buns :bunnyhug:
[align=center]Hey Ya'll! My name is Brittany and I am a soon-to-be "senior" in college. My life revolves around my animals, family, friends, and most importantly, God. My passion in life is working with and riding horses, especially my palomino American Quarter Horse, EZ. I have been an equestrian for about 8 years and have experience in both English and Western disciplines.Other interests of mine also include shopping, line dancing, 4-wheeling, fishing, etc...of course anything that has to do with being outdoors!
[align=center]So how did I get involved with rabbits?
[align=center]Well I've always wanted a rabbit, but never really had the opportunity to own one until a little over two years ago. When I heard about how they can be "litter-box" trained, I became quite fascinated with the concept. I can't say how wonderful rabbits make as pets for *responsible* college students. Anywho, after doing some research, I knew that I wanted to adopt a rescue rabbit.
[align=center]And this is how I got my first rabbit, Wrangler aka Mr. Wranglers:
[align=center]I live in Horse (and Cattle) Country, USA, therefore we are surrounded by feed and tack stores throughout the surrounding counties. Well, one of my personal favorite tack stores has a "Horsey Yard Sale" about every 3 months, and it was at one of these in which I got Wrangler, my chocolate Netherland Dwarf. It was December 2008 when I was walking around, looking at all of the vendors, when I laid my eyes on two large rabbits cages that each contained two rabbits. I remember walking over to the cages and looking at the various types of rabbits that were being sold by pairs for only $30 dollars along with a 15lb bag of feed. I asked to hold the rabbits, one by one, because it was then and there I knew that there was no way I was going to leave without one. When I picked up the small, brown fur ball, I just knew that he was meant to be with me. He was about one at the time, and had been a 4-H project for kids. The kids had apparently lost interest in the buns, therefore these little guys and gals needed a new home. My roommate that was with me that day, also had in interest in a grey, floppy-eared female that happend to be with Wrangler, her name was Chrome. Unfortunately, when we brought the buns home, we shortly saw that the two could not get along. Chrome was not fixed and Wrangler was, therefore we had a problem onour hands. We ended up deciding that it would be best for us to turn Chrome over to one of our local rabbit rescues. I felt bad for Wrangler, since he would be alone...but that is soon about to change. [/align]

Nice start to your blog :D

Piccies! ;)

Hey Brittany, I enjoyed the beginning of your blog, I like the story of choosing him :)

I am very intruiged by the ending - "that is soon about to change"... so are you planning on getting Wrangler a female companion? how exciting. I hope we will get to see the events unfold in blog format!

Would also love to see a pic or two (or 10) of Wrangler!
:)you describe wrangler as a small brown fur ball. this means cute !!:inlove: hoping you will post some pics of this cuteness:biggrin:

great start to blogging tho':)
Great start to your blog. I can't wait to read more and hopefully see some pictures!
Well folks, I just got back from the rescue with a new bunny edition! Her name is "Feline" (pronounced "Fe-Lean") and she is hopefully Wrangler's new "wifey!" :heartsWrangler went on several bunny dates, and none of them went well except for when we put him with Feline. She is bigger than Wrangler as well as younger; Wrangler is a little over 2, and Feline is about 5 months old. As for the bonding process, they have been grooming each other and laying next to each other, but at the same time, they are still not quite sure what to do with one another.

I put them in a smaller run and now I am just waiting for them to relax. There is a lot of thumping going on as I type this. Wrangler is trying to chill, but Feline is all over the place...and here at the rescue, it was the other way around. Wrangler wanted Feline to groom and love on him, but as of right now, that's not going to happen...well that upset Wrangler, therefore they got into a little tiff. Nothing violent, just a lot of chasing each other around and some minor nipping. I am hoping it only gets better from here. They look so cute together and I just hope and pray this couple works out :pray:I was told by the ladies at the rescue, that it's normal for the couple to get "into it" a little bit, but it should subside. Right now I am just trying to give them time to adjust. Poor Feline was shaking when I brought her home...Wrangler of course knew he was in familiar territory. So like I said, I'm just waiting for them to settle down ;)I'll update later!
Evening Update:

So far so good! Wrangler and his new gal are showing positive signs of bonding! They have been grooming one another as well as sharing their food. I gave them each a romaine lettuce leaf, and they both decided to share with one together :love:It was very sweet indeed! There has been moments of them going at each other, but it usually doesn't last for very long. They haven't shown any signs of major aggression. Wrangler tried mounting Feline a couple of times and she didn't like that at all. They also managed to already escape from their pen - time to pull out the zip ties! Other than that, they have been on their best behavior! :)Once the two have bonded, I hope and pray that Feline will then bond to me. Wrangler already knows that I am his momma and he still shows/wants affection from me (he's been with me for over a year). Though of course I know that Feline just needs to come out of her shell; and in time she will. It just reminds me of when I first brought Wrangler home.

On a different note, I am thinking about changing Feline's name to "Aura." I knew that if I ever were to get a female bunny, that I would call her that. See, Aura isa name for Wrangler Jeans for women. Wrangler and Aura sound so cute together - it's perfect. Don't get me wrong, Feline is a very pretty name, but I just think the name, Aura, is appropriate. Obviously if Feline was a much older bun, I would not change her name; but since she is only about 5 months old, shestill has plenty of time to become familiar with her new name. Besides, when I first adopted Wrangler, his original name was "Brownie" :rollseyesAnd he had that name for the first year of his life; but now he knows his new name. "Wrangler"is definitely more original and fitting in my opinion!;)
Great start to your blog. I am glad things are qoing well with Wrangler and Aura. I know what you mean about bun names, sometimes a name just doesn't fit. We have a bun that was called Oynx for a short time, but the name didn't fit, so we changed it to Sweeti, just like her personality.
I'm a little concerned. Wrangler and Aura have not been sleeping next to each other this evening at all; infact, they're on the opposite ends of the pen. They still have been in the cage together as well as sharing their food, so that is a good sign, but I hope that they are not drifting apart. I also hope that I didn't interfere with anything. I do like to get into the pen every so often and give them some attention. Wrangler of course will come right up to me, but Aura is still very shy/scared of me...usually I have to get ahold of her, but sometimes she lets me pet her. Ever since Aura came home, I feel like Wrangler has gotten way more affectionate with me. Tonight I was in the pen and he actually laid down next to me :hug:He's never done that before...but wait a second, I just turned my head and now Aura and Wrangler are laying side by side, all stretched out! *whew* Next time I won't jump to conclusions; but this is all new to me!:blushan:Anyway, Wrangler has turned into such a lover boy; and I am glad to see that he still thinks of me as his special gal! Mama always comes first! :biggrin:
I wouldn't be concerned. My girls have been together for 6 years and they don't always sleep together.

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