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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
Anchorage, Alaska, USA
Both Wash and Zoey live in my bedroom. Somedays it's frustrating because there's hay and bunny poo everywhere. Zoey has been a pretty loud bun since we got her (yanking on the cardboard ziptied to her cage). I can deal with one bunny being loud. Wash has started on the loud track too. They both dig, toss, and chew enough to keep me awake for hours (today I was awoken at six and I have just given up going back to sleep (it is now 9:30). This is driving me nuts. I already wear earplugs and their noise is bothering me. I am constantly exhausted and school has started so I don't have as much time to make up the sleep as I might have otherwise.

Does anybody have any idea how to make them be quiet? I try giving them quiter toys to distract them but they aren't intereasted.
I totally sympathize with you, Katie. When Nemo was in a smaller cage, he would shake, rattle and roll all night long. He would tug at the bars when I got home, or if he saw me get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, or anything of that nature. I was starting to lose hope until I opened up his space more, and I got him a pen. He is a relatively quiet bun in the first place though, and at night sometimes I hear him binky in the pen, or I hear him chewing on some willow toys. But, usually, he is okay.

Do they HAVE to live in your room? What about changing the cardboard floors to plastic carpet runners, or carpet that is leftover at Home Depot or Lowe's?

Anything like that, maybe? The carpet is not expensive, and sometimes, it is even free if you get a nice guy who has extra stuff laying around in the back.

This is one of my most well kept secrets.

I have always been unable to sleep if I hear ANYTHING.. I need dead silence.

I bought a pair of constuction worker type head set noise silencers from home depot and wear them everynight.I don't hear anything and I also sleep well. The downside is they are not the most comfortable things to wear at night.
When my little fluffy terd started chewing on his litter box or drinking water late at night my dad (who get up at 3 am to go to work) would simply take out the iteam that the little bun was making noise with. After about a week he understude that night time is quite time.
Bo and Clover are in the room right outside of my bedroom. Hubby and I can hear them all night throwing their bell balls, jingling their hanging bell/wood toys, and thumping at each other, hopping up and down, kicking litter.......... and Clover....... drinking from her waterbottle! (she doesn't like a bowl).....

We learned that our ceiling fan makes enough noise to drown most of it out if we close our bedroom door LOL!

Give up on fixing them - find ways to cover it up for you!
Oh gosh, I know how you feel and not because of buns, but other noises. I have always slept with a fan, if it's winter, it's pointed a different direction.We just cannot sleep in silence. Maybe this would work for you?;)
Dublinperky wrote:
Has it been bettter? What did you decide to do?

Honestly we haven't done anything. We're just dealing with it. We already take away the loud toys when we go to bed, but the real damage is the shelf 'lining'. We can't use anyting made out of frabric or carpet because Zoey and Wash eat it. We have an air purifyer going 24/7 for white noise. Short of knocking them out every night I think we'll just have to deal with it until we get to a point where the bunnies can be in a different room.

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