Well-Known Member
Well, now I know the problem with a doe that doesn't use a nest box. When I was cleaning out her pen, I found 3 dead babies. One by the feeder, one between the nest and feed, and one almost to the feeder. I think they might have been still latched on when she left the nest to go eat (or maybe were just trying to follow her?)...then froze last night. :-( So now we're down to 7. Pretty bummed, and wasn't sure what to do to keep it from happening to any more. So I found a pretty big box, cut the bottom out of it, and put it around the nest. If Ad leaves it there, no more babies should die. I hope...
Here are the remaining 7, day 6...getting really cute!
Here are the Cals, day 2. VERY pudgy little tummies, and not nearly as wrinkled.
Here are the remaining 7, day 6...getting really cute!

Here are the Cals, day 2. VERY pudgy little tummies, and not nearly as wrinkled.