I believe they herded the escaped beasts to thetennis court -- either they put the pool there for the buffalo to takea sip, or perhaps it just happened to be there for kids to play in
Thanks for the comments on the Avatar The rabbit pictured is an absolute darling buck that wehave named "Dude". There is no sweeter animal on the face ofthis earth. I was working on an 8x10 print of him to hang onthe wall.
Pam, he is Gorgeous. I love the facial markings and his expression. He is really beautiful.
The painting is gorgeous. I love the colors and there is nothing sweeter than bunnies and butterflies.
Me, nopeI want two or three of each. At leastone. I actually got to interact with some Bison as a childand they were amazing. They would like us constantly like big hugepuppies lol. They were very sweet.