Looks like i'm going to have to wait!!!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2006
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You may remember a post called 'Help me' and I just want to say thank you very much its helped me alot.:cool:

But i'm afraid I carnt get a rabbit just yet - because my mum and dadwant to wait untill my hip gets sorted out, I've got an unknown pain inmy hip lol, and i'm having several treatments to my hip. hehe.

But never mind I will just have to wait it out, it may even be nextspring before I get one. :XI dont no what to do to keepmyself occupied lol.

So it looks like i'll be rabbitless for a while.:?But i'llstill talk to you guys for a while untill that day comes lol.

Just needed to let some steam out. hehe. :colors:


Aw, sorry to hear about that.

You know, they say that anything worth having is worth waitingfor. Stick around here and you can get your bunny fix untilyou can get your own.

I hope everything goes well with your treatments and that you're in tip-top shape again real soon!


You're not alone. I'm playing the bunny waitinggame too. The anitcipation may just kill me LOL! But it istrue....there are things worth waiting for and bunnies definitely fallinto that category.
At least i'm not the only one. And its actuallya good thing this wating game because whenI do get the rabbitIt will be like a reward lol.:cool:

And i'm sure my leg will recover soon, these things happen lol.:D

Aww...waiting is so hard. Both mybunnies kinda fell into my lap, hehe. Maisie literally hoppedinto it, and Flower was an unexpected rescue from one of myneighbors.

It's good to wait until after things with your hip get squared away(hehe...hip to be square...get it? I didn't even mean to dothat!), that way taking care of your bun(s) is easier foryou. Nothing like trying to get down on their level when yourhip hurts! Better to handle that now and not have thatbothering you later when you want to spend time with them. :)

BUT...in the meantime, a good thing would be to read all youcan! :) There's so much here, I still discover newthings all the time. Not only that, but ask us all thequestions you can think of. The more prepared you are, thebetter, I say! I spend over eight hours researching beforebringing Maisie home (in about two days, too), and still learn newthings all the time! :)

Not only that, but whether you have your bunny yet or not, you're still a part of the RO Family, so post away!! :D

Yey glad to no i'm still part off the family hehe.

My head will be full of usefull infomation by the time I get my furry friends.:D

cheers guys, its good to talk to people who no there stuff.

Thats shame you cant get one now, butall good things come to those that wait lol. It must be hardbeing on this website full of lovely buns and not being able to haveyour own but be patient.If your reading all thetopics on this site, you will have a lot of good knowledge by the timeyou get your bun which will then make you a top mum.

I am really tempted to by another bun. I have 1 at the momentshe lives indoors with us and has her own room. I would loveanother but my BF wont allow it - i have a hamster and a 6 mth old NewZealand white Rabbit called Sammy, she has been poorly since we got herand has left her with a permanent head tilt. So i think iwill wait until she is a few years old and then think about gettinganother one. x

Good luck with your treatment for your hip. I also have afriend who suffers from a crumbling hip she has suffered for years withit and now she has turned 25 she is allowed to have a hip operation.Very Scary but it will give her so much more hope for the future -being able to do the things she wants instad of doing the things herhip will allow her to do.

All the best and keepchecking out this website.
I hope I dont have to have an operation on my hip, I dont think its that bad (I hope). hehe:cool:


That's what I hope as well...:)

Either way, we're here for ya, Hun! :)

Hey, what's family for? :)

Steph-jo-petlover wrote:
I hope I donthave to have an operation on my hip, I dont think its that bad (Ihope). hehe:cool:

Oh i hope i didnt worry you writing about myfriend, im sure your hip is nowhere near as bad as myriends. Im sure you will be fine and in tip top condition forwhen you get your new addtion. x

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