Looking for some good tips on building bunny cages

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Oct 20, 2010
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Portland, Oregon, USA
I'm sure this is a question asked a lot but I'm looking for some tips on building decent sized bunny cages. I have a six pound mini lop that I don't want confined to a small wire cage but he can't be a free roaming bun 24/7 because of my dog. So I want to build him a comfy, good sized cage he can spend most of his time in. I have an extra bedroom that I'm looking to dedicate to this cage but there has to be a bottom on the cage because my bun chews up carpet.

48" wire dog kennel? Or NIC/c&C cube cage (doesn't come with a bottom, you have to make one).
If you search both on the forum you will find 100's of results :)
Hello fellow Oregonian!

If you're looking to get as much space possible I would go with an X-Pen or 2 and build a base for them to protect your floors and keep in mess. I have a trio living in two X-Pens with a base like in the picture below. The picture is of just one x-pen, I don't have a good one of the bases/pens combined. So just imagine two side by side and in a room with carpeting. Lol.


My goal is to eventually combine the two pens with an NIC condo in "their room" so they can have most of the room without destroying my carpet (only one of them is a carpet terror)