Well-Known Member
First of all, I want to say that in the past I have been under adoctor's care for minor to medium depression. I have seen a counselorand dealt with some of the issues that made the depression worse thanit is.
However, I seem to have a depression (I forget the actual term for it)that is cyclical...it comes and it goes and it needs to be monitoredmuch like you would monitor your blood pressure if you had high bloodpressure or your sugar levels if you had diabetes.
In the past I've also been on Paxil. I was on it for over a year andtook it almost every single day at a set time because I found if Ididn't take it - I had a headache. After about 14 months on the drug, Istarted getting worse and actually having thoughts of suicide. I woundup going off Paxil and then talking to my doctor about it the next week(we were out of town and I forgot my Paxil..by the time we returned...Ihad no more headaches and was doing much better...thank God).
Over the last year I have gone back on Paxil (half strength) maybethree times and been on it for a month or so at a time but then goneoff usually because I would forget to take it or my schedule was messedup and I didn't have a good time of day to take it. My biggest problemwith Paxil is that it makes me want to sleep 16 hours per day when Istart on it (for about 2 months).
I am finding that I am struggling with depression again. It is not asbad as it used to be - partly because my counselor helped me come upwith a plan of attack for those "bad" days (I allow myself one day inbed...then the next day I MUST get up and do 3 things...the last time abad bout of depression hit - I didn't even take the day in bed as Irealized I didn't really need it and could keep going).
But I recognize that the depression I'm experiencing right now ischemical-related. I need to deal with it....and I know I need somethingto help me out.
Art told me a couple of months ago that he had read that St. John'sWort (a particular formulation of it) is as helpful towards treatingminor to moderate depression as Paxil - and without so many sideeffects.
I've gone on the internet to do some research and I find mixed views onthis. Many sites agree (but frequently they are selling the stuff). Anherbalist board I checked out had mixed feelings on this too. Some wereVERY pro St. Johns Wort while others voiced caution.
I am leaning towards trying the St. Johns Wort for a limited period oftime - perhaps a month - before going to see the doctor and discussthis with him.
We're retired military and I don't get to pick my doctor really. Well -I do have a set doctor...but he and I don't exactly mesh well together.I would prefer to not deal with him right now if I don't haveto. (It doesn't help that I am horrid about taking my bloodpressure pills and I haven't been keeping track of my blood pressure -so he will be labeling me "non-compliant" (which I have been) andnoting it in my chart...). If I can take the SJW for a month- that gives me time to get back on my blood pressure meds, take myblood pressure and track it - and appear to be a "goodpatient". (STOP LAUGHING).
So...the questions are:
a. Has anyone here used (or knows someone who used) Paxil and then went to SJW? Or vice versa?
b. Has anyone got links to sites that AREN"T selling SJW but have information on this? (I did try to google it).
c. Does anyone know of any issues with SJW and othermedications? I know we have some on here who deal with hospitals andsuch or chemistry or anything like that...
Please feel free to PM me if you don't want to share publicly on hereabout your experiences or the experiences of someone you know.
I want to make good decision for me. I don't mind paying for the SJWand taking it a week and then saying, "Guess what....I'm having badside effects...I'll just wait 3 weeks and talk to the doctor once Ihave my meds down and my blood pressure recorded for a bit..".
I still have Paxil here and I could go on it. I almost did sotoday...but I just hate the way it puts me to sleep and some other sideeffects.
First of all, I want to say that in the past I have been under adoctor's care for minor to medium depression. I have seen a counselorand dealt with some of the issues that made the depression worse thanit is.
However, I seem to have a depression (I forget the actual term for it)that is cyclical...it comes and it goes and it needs to be monitoredmuch like you would monitor your blood pressure if you had high bloodpressure or your sugar levels if you had diabetes.
In the past I've also been on Paxil. I was on it for over a year andtook it almost every single day at a set time because I found if Ididn't take it - I had a headache. After about 14 months on the drug, Istarted getting worse and actually having thoughts of suicide. I woundup going off Paxil and then talking to my doctor about it the next week(we were out of town and I forgot my Paxil..by the time we returned...Ihad no more headaches and was doing much better...thank God).
Over the last year I have gone back on Paxil (half strength) maybethree times and been on it for a month or so at a time but then goneoff usually because I would forget to take it or my schedule was messedup and I didn't have a good time of day to take it. My biggest problemwith Paxil is that it makes me want to sleep 16 hours per day when Istart on it (for about 2 months).
I am finding that I am struggling with depression again. It is not asbad as it used to be - partly because my counselor helped me come upwith a plan of attack for those "bad" days (I allow myself one day inbed...then the next day I MUST get up and do 3 things...the last time abad bout of depression hit - I didn't even take the day in bed as Irealized I didn't really need it and could keep going).
But I recognize that the depression I'm experiencing right now ischemical-related. I need to deal with it....and I know I need somethingto help me out.
Art told me a couple of months ago that he had read that St. John'sWort (a particular formulation of it) is as helpful towards treatingminor to moderate depression as Paxil - and without so many sideeffects.
I've gone on the internet to do some research and I find mixed views onthis. Many sites agree (but frequently they are selling the stuff). Anherbalist board I checked out had mixed feelings on this too. Some wereVERY pro St. Johns Wort while others voiced caution.
I am leaning towards trying the St. Johns Wort for a limited period oftime - perhaps a month - before going to see the doctor and discussthis with him.
We're retired military and I don't get to pick my doctor really. Well -I do have a set doctor...but he and I don't exactly mesh well together.I would prefer to not deal with him right now if I don't haveto. (It doesn't help that I am horrid about taking my bloodpressure pills and I haven't been keeping track of my blood pressure -so he will be labeling me "non-compliant" (which I have been) andnoting it in my chart...). If I can take the SJW for a month- that gives me time to get back on my blood pressure meds, take myblood pressure and track it - and appear to be a "goodpatient". (STOP LAUGHING).
So...the questions are:
a. Has anyone here used (or knows someone who used) Paxil and then went to SJW? Or vice versa?
b. Has anyone got links to sites that AREN"T selling SJW but have information on this? (I did try to google it).
c. Does anyone know of any issues with SJW and othermedications? I know we have some on here who deal with hospitals andsuch or chemistry or anything like that...
Please feel free to PM me if you don't want to share publicly on hereabout your experiences or the experiences of someone you know.
I want to make good decision for me. I don't mind paying for the SJWand taking it a week and then saying, "Guess what....I'm having badside effects...I'll just wait 3 weeks and talk to the doctor once Ihave my meds down and my blood pressure recorded for a bit..".
I still have Paxil here and I could go on it. I almost did sotoday...but I just hate the way it puts me to sleep and some other sideeffects.