looking for indoor cage set up or ideas on how to put something together

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
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, , USA
ok heres what im looking for.

i want to have a cage for indoors large enough to fit 2rabbits. that way i dont have single cages everywhere insidelol cadbury is around 10 lbs and kitty will be around 4 to 5lbs full grown. they get along wonderfully so far and amwanting to try to get them in the same set up together to eliminate the2 single cages. i am willing to trade my 2 single cages forone large one. or if anyone can tell me what to buy to buildone and some instuctions lol step by step would beextremely helpful i know its kinda asking alot but if i donthave a rough idea of how it is to be built it wont get built the rightway ;)

thanks a bunch everyone

kim, kitty and cadbury
thanks awesome site!! another stupid question lol

those like square sides that you can can put together tomake the cages im guessing they are either plastic or metal not surewith but are those ok for making a nice large cage?also where can i purschase those? ive not ever seen thembefore are they at walmart, hardware or petstores? sorry so many questions

NIC cubes...can get em about anywhere....Targethas packs with alot of panels in em, 23 I think..for like 15bucks....you'll wanna reinforce the shelves with dowel rods orsomething with the heavier bunny. I bought the maize mats from Pier1for the shelves with cardboard under that. We also put boardsup around the base after this pic to keep the lil turds in.We also cut doors in on the bottom since the pic was taken. Its heldtogether with the clips that came with it, and electrical zip ties. Iposted on mylocalhttp://www.freecycle.orgto see if anyone had these panels they were wanting to getridof...I built this cage for about 15 bucks due to getting some fromthere! Good luck and let me know if ?'s!

here's a pic of what we built my boys..


I built Willow's condo the same size and withthe same cubes as PuterGeekGirl's but they were branded Rubbermaid athome Depot. The stuff is great because it's inexpensive and the moreyou build it the stronger it becomes
awesome thats exactly what i was looking for wasthose things to build the cubes!! thank you for the picturealso as that will help us when putting one together!! illlook when im down in town tomorrow to see about picking up some stuffto start building thanks so much again
Thanks! They seem to like it alot! Let me knowif questions...I use the binder clips to keep the doors closed...justsmall ones and they work great!
I just got the NIC cubes at Target.They were in the Wire Organizing section of the store. Theyare sold in packages of 23 for 14.99, but they were on sale for 12.99last weekend.

Yeah, I would recomend NIC cages. You can designthem any way you want and you can add on. When i build my bunny's cage,I plan to attach a pen made of cubes. Plus you get a big cage forrelatively little money.
ok hopefully this pic shows up well enough tosee but we made up a set up tonite! it has a secondshelf area that they are able to jump up onto to lay or playon. i have a divider under the shelf and on one side is theliter box and the other the food and water plus there blankieon the bottom and alot of play toys :) kitty isreally enjoying it but i cant keep cadbury in there yet with her untilhe stops his horniness lol just had him neutered yesterdayuggh boys lol
Brimmhere, my cage is the same setup as yours!!I put vinyl on the top shelf and then came home to find outthatThumper had eaten some, so I replaced it with coroplast!Now she's eating that.

Any suggestions on what I can do to make her stop? I don't want her eating anything that's not food :?
Hey Heth!

My rabbits were also eating the bottom, so what I did was made it sothat the vinal fit outside of the cages. So instead of it fittinginside the cage, it was outside.


AHhh! Good idea, I just kind of threw togethersome signs I had made of coroplast and taped them together so shewouldn't eat the vinyl or glue! I might try that this weekend

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